chapter #63 Today is your day to win

When the subject of goals comes up, I just get plainexcited.There is nothing like mapping out a plan, working likecrazy and despite all obstacles, getting what you wereafter. Wow!! No matter what the goal is, even littledaily goals, it's exciting. They build momentum andanticipation. Just like a road sign telling you thatyou've only got 3 miles to go. Cool!In downtown Syracuse, NY, we have two towers that dwarfeverything else in the city--The MONY Towers I and II. Ifyou're from out of town and you want to get downtown, youdon't even have to know the streets. You just keepfollowing the two towers. And no matter how slow you go,you'll get there... eventually.This is true of any goal you could possibly have. Themost important thing is to be able to see what you'reafter. Or else, as Yogi said, you'll end up somewhere else.If the goal doesn't exist yet, you only have to use yourimagination. If it does; if others have already done whatyou want to do, watch tapes of them, talk with them. Readtheir books. If someone else has done it, surely you cantoo. Do whatever you must to keep the vision of youachieving your goal in your mind, especially if you'reblazing trails.This is vital, crucial, a must...You must keep your goal in front of you all the time. Thebigger, the more challenging the goal, the more importantthis is.There are simply too many distractions, roadblocks,detours and temptations that can derail you on the way foryou not to keep it in your sights all the time.If you want to lose a bunch of weight, tape a picture ofyour head onto a picture of a person who has the body youwant. Quitting smoking? Get a picture of lungs that arenice and pink and healthy. Get a picture of nice whiteteeth. Money? Pictures of your dream house, car, clothes.Grades? Copy your last report card and put straight A's inplace of the other letters.You're free to get as creative as you want.See, hear and feel it as often as humanly possible.Imagine how you'll feel, what other people will say toyou, what you'll sound like when you talk. How will youwalk? What will you think? Imagine it all. If you can't see it, you most assuredly won't get it.Think back to the times that you have wanted something anddidn't get it: Did you keep it in your mind constantly? Did you visualize getting it? Did you picture success regularly? Or did you let every little diversionary thought anddistraction get in your mind's way, and keep it frompicturing you achieving your goal?If the answer is the second one, then I hope you'vestopped dead in your tracks right now.This is an important moment. Right now is a turningpoint. If you can't imagine what it will be like to reachyour goal; all the steps to get there and what it will belike once you're there, you're done. It's already over.Not you though. Not this time. This time is for success.You are ready.Be like Michelangelo, who just "released" the David fromwithin the block of granite.See it, feel it, hear it.What is YOUR David?

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