Warta Berita Liputan 6 Kamis, 27 Nov 2008


Liverpool sukses menundukkan wakil Olympique Marseille dengan skor 1-0 lewat gol tunggal Steven Gerrard. Dengan hasil ini, Liverpool memastikan diri lolos ke babak berikutnya menyusul Atletico Madrid yang tampil sebagai pemuncak grup D.
Berita Selengkapnya:http://www.liputan6.com/news/?id=168857&c_id=5

Sekjen KBI Tak Diizinkan Melayat Mertua
Sekjen KBI, terdakwa kerusuhan saat demo penolakan kenaikan harga BBM merasa kesal tidak dapat izin untuk melayat ayah mertuanya. Ferry Julianto terganjal urusan administrasi.
Berita Selengkapnya:http://www.liputan6.com/news/?id=168856&c_id=2

Sarjan Taher Bantah Pengakuan Saksi
Sarjan Taher menilai koleganya di Komisi Kehutanan DPR, Yusuf Emir Faesal, mengesankan diri pasif. Padahal Yusuf terlibat sejak awal dalam kasus suap pembebasan hutan bakau Tanjung Api-api, Sumatra Selatan.
Berita Selengkapnya:http://www.liputan6.com/news/?d=168855&c_id=2

Keterangan Saksi Memberatkan Anthony
Penjaga rumah Anthony, Wawan Ridwan, mengaku setelah Lebaran 2003, Anthony kedatangan tamu yang dikenalinya di persidangan sebagai Hamka Yandhu. Kemudian setelahnya ada tiga tamu lagi yang berkunjung ke rumah Anthony menggunakan mobil minibus dan menurunkan koper.Berita Selengkapnya:http://www.liputan6.com/news/?id=168854&c_id=2

Persibo Bungkam Arema
Persibo menang 3-1 atas Arema Malang pada pertandingan kedua Copa Indonesia di Stadion Willis, Madiun, Jatim, petang tadi. Kemenangan ini membawa Persibo lolos ke babak 24 besar karena unggul dalam mencetak gol, yakni 4-3.
Berita Selengkapnya:http://www.liputan6.com/news/?id=168853&c_id=5

Kebutuhan Pertamax Naik Tiga Kali Lipat
Pertamina mengakui dalam sebulan terakhir penggunaan pertamax meningkat 300 persen di seluruh Indonesia. Namun demikian pasokan tetap mencukupi. Umumnya yang beralih ke pertamax adalah pengguna sepeda motor.
Berita Selengkapnya:http://www.liputan6.com/news/?id=168852&c_id=4

Go From Feeling Afraid, Hesitant Or Miserable To Confident,

A number of years ago I heard a powerful story aboutmotivation. I don't remember where I heard it or even ifit was true story or not, but it perfectly exemplifies thehuman ability to transcend circumstances.My memory of it is fuzzy, so here's my version... with atwist.A reporter decided to follow up on an incredible humaninterest story after hearing of two brothers, one avicious, dangerous criminal to be locked up for the nextten years for his latest crime, and the other a highlyrespected university professor.After the arrest of brother number one, he told the policeabout his brother, his closest living relative. After the police discovered who brother number two was, areporter was given the tip that this could be aninteresting story.Upon interviewing both men at length, the reporter learnedthat their father was a brutal man. He was a hard drinker.And his brand of teaching his boys "right from wrong"involved terrible verbal abuse no matter where theyhappened to be. When they "got out of line," he hit themwith belts, his fists, sticks - whatever was handy.They both told almost identical stories of extremecruelty. Neither one was exempt from the old man's angerand drunken rage.While the boys were 19 and 20 respectively, their fatherdied of a massive heart attack. Shortly afterwards, thebrothers had a falling out and never saw each other again -brother number one moved out of state and sort of fell offthe face of the earth... living his life between jail terms.Brother number two graduated from college and followed adesigned path to living a rewarding life of service to hiscommunity, his church and his family. The thing that practically knocked the reporter over wasboth brothers' identical answer to the same question.After getting the background on both individuals, thequestion was, "How did you get here to this point in yourlife?"The two answered the question with this same response..."With a father like mine, how could I be any different?"One used his father as an excuse, while the other used himas motivation - as training on what not to do.You see, it's not what happens to you in life thatdictates where you'll go and who you'll be. It's what youdo with it.I'll bet that, right now, you could sit down and list atleast a dozen people who have risen up from hellishchildhoods, or who are completely different than anyoneelse in their families in some significant way. You'lldiscover that, concerning the differences, there arecompletely different belief systems, different ways of"looking at" the situations, different motivations andreward systems.So I'm being honest when I tell you there is no reason onthe face of the earth why you can't achieve your next biggoal. None. I don't care how many times you may havefallen on your face.Do you want to reach some health milestone after repeatedfailures? Then decide to. And stop with the excuses. You've been lying to yourselftoo long.Do you need to learn something, to pass some test, to geta degree or license? Then get off your backside, shut offthe TV and do it.Do you see a failure when you look in the mirror? Do youknow what to do, but just always decide not to do it? Thenturn the volume of the criticism in your head down. Shutoff the excuses. Write down on 3x5 cards statements likethese:-Good job, I really tried hard.-I really have quite a talent there.-I'm quite a handsome man/beautiful woman-Boy, when I have a job to do I just tear right in and getit done....And read them often.Write down empowering questions like these:What is good about me? What could be?What are the many benefits I will get by doing this orbelieving that?Why do I want to achieve (some outcome)?What is my best character trait?How can I get (someone) to really truly admire and respectme?There are thousands more. And they all make you feel better and more capable. With this reading as a habit, you will change how you seeyourself.What you're being exposed to now is what I discovered tobe the inner differences between the winners and doers inlife and the losers and watchers.And if you think this doesn't work, you couldn't be morewrong. Think about the two brothers and all the billions, deadand alive, who have risen above their circumstances andtheir old programming to be, do and have more than itappeared they ever would. You've experienced this. Nowit's time to turn it up a notch. Grab yourself a huge goal.Our Think Right Now! audios are based, in part, on thiswhole technology. Go to our site and check out some of the changes peoplehave made using them. It's downright scary.When you change what goes in, you will change what comesout... IF it goes in regularly and in the right way.Come on, make today something special.Make today your day. No more excuses.Take your circumstances and all of your past failures anduse them as motivation... as the reason for your imminentsuccess.Be like the professor.With circumstances like yours, how could you be anythingbut a raging success?

12 karakter Shio

1. Kelinci, Populernya Si Lembut Hati

Di antara 12 hewan yang menjadi perlambang shio Cina, Kelinci yang paling lembut. Karena itu pula ia baik dan manis, dan karenanya amat populer. Dalam pergaulan, tak ada seorang pun yang cuek pada mereka, sebab Kelinci merupakan teman yang menyenangkan dan tahu bagaimana bersikap. Rumah seorang Kelinci selalu indah karena ia pencinta seni yang berselera tinggi. Mereka juga biasanya selalu tampil dalam pakaian yang bagus dan pantas. Kalau Anda mengecek lemari pakaiannya, pasti selalu ada busana mahal di dalam sana. Tidak mudah memprovokasi Kelinci, karena ia memang terlahir kalem. Mereka tidak senang beradu argumentasi dan lebih menyukai kehidupan yang tenang dan damai. Mereka juga sentimental dan penuh kasih sayang. Makanya, umumnya mereka juga cenderung cengeng. Kalau Anda curhat padanya, ia bisa tersentuh karena persoalan Anda itu. Karena itu pula, bila Anda seorang salesman, Anda akan lebih mudah menjual sesuatu kepada Kelinci. Konon, 9 dari 10 Kelinci pasti akan membeli produk apa pun yang Anda tawarkan! Nyaris tak ada kelemahan Kelinci, kecuali bahwa ia tak memiliki keistimewaan yang menonjol ketimbang shio lain. Namun, justru dengan begitu Kelinci bisa sukses dalam pekerjaan. Ketenangan dan kehati-hatiannya adalah kunci keberhasilannya. Cuma, mungkin dia agak berkesan lambat. Bila ia bisa sedikit saja mengubah pembawaannya yang konservatif itu dan menjadi sedikit lebih agresif, mereka bisa menjalani hidup yang amat normal. Si lembut hati ini juga merupakan pasangan yang baik dalam hubungan asmara. Romantis, manis, dan setia, Kelinci jantan biasanya agak pemilih ketika akan menentukan pasangan. Yang betina, hmmm, mereka lebih senang melihat bayangan diri sendiri di cermin dan menggosip ke sana ke mari ketimbang memulai hubungan yang serius.
Pasangan 'kelinci'
Tikus = Tidak cocok (Skor 32)
Kerbau = Mungkin bisa berhasil (67)
Macan = Sulit. Tapi, mungkin juga bisa menghasilkan pernikahan yang nyaman (46)
Kelinci = Kenapa tidak? Asal mereka makmur?! (71)
Naga = Tim yang kompak (85)
Ular = Pikir lagi, deh (61)
Kuda = Kenapa nggak berteman saja, sih? (52)
Kambing = Pasangan serasi (82)
Monyet = Menyenangkan (73)
Ayam = Hmm, mendingan nggak, deh (55)
Anjing = Baik-baik saja, asal keduanya sama-sama cool (77)
Babi = Amat bagus. Semuanya oke (91)

2. Macan, Sang 'Raja' yang Bijak

Seperti juga Naga, kata kunci bagi Macan adalah ditakdirkan sebagai pemimpin. Merekalah yang selalu berada di depan, dan yang siap berteriak, "Ayo, Maju!" Mulia dan tak kenal takut, Macan banyak dihormati karena semangatnya yang pantang mundur, kebijaksanaan, dan kemurahan hatinya yang tak terkira. Bahkan musuhnya pun kagum padanya. Dikenal sebagai pejuang yang tangguh, mereka mampu berdiri di mana pun yang menurut pendapat mereka benar. Meski mereka agak sedikit egois dari waktu ke waktu, sang 'raja' juga berhati dermawan. Dan karena itu pula, sulit menerka suasana hatinya, yang selalu penuh semangat, dan kadang begitu tergesa-gesa. Macan sulit untuk ditolak, sebab mereka seolah punya daya magnetis yang sedemikian kuat. Mereka bisa bersemangat dan meledak-ledak, namun juga bisa kalem. Lembut hati tapi menakutkan, menyeramkan dalam penampilan, tapi bisa juga lembut dan misterius pada saat-saat yang tak terduga. Kelemahannya, Macan sering kali terlalu percaya diri. Ini membuatnya tak mau patuh pada peraturan. Malah orang lainlah yang harus mematuhi peraturan yang dibuat Macan. Karena itu, memang lebih baik tak menantang kepedean sang Macan, meski mereka juga gemar akan petualangan dan hiburan. Karena tak sabaran, Macan pada akhirnya sering memilih bekerja sendirian. Untungnya, mereka memang senang bekerja, tipe pekerja keras, energetik dan dinamis. Bila mereka mengerjakan suatu tugas, maka pekerjaan itu akan dilakukan dengan baik, penuh antusiasme, dan efisien. Meski merupakan 'mesin' pencetak uang, Macan tidak terlalu peduli soal uang - ia baru cemas kalau uangnya habis sama sekali.
Dalam cinta, Macan melibatkan emosi dan sensitif. Mereka memang pencinta yang penuh gairah dan romantis, tapi juga terlalu intens. Apalagi, Macan amat memperhatikan teritorinya, sehingga ia cenderung posesif terhadap siapa pun yang 'dimilikinya'. Tantangan terbesar bagi Macan adalah kemampuannya untuk memahami arti dari sikap yang sewajarnya.
Pasangan 'Macan'
Tikus = Untuk meraih sukses, keduanya harus sabar (Skor 65)
Kerbau = Nyaris mustahil bisa berjalan selaras (33)
Macan = Dua macam bersatu? Amat tidak disarankan (52)
Kelinci = Sulit.Tapi,mungkin juga bisa menghasilkan pernikahan yang nyaman (46)
Naga = Meskipun ada berbagai kesulitan, Anda berdua bisa mengatasinya (76)
Ular = Sulit untuk menemukan apa yang mereka lihat pada masing-masing (69)
Kuda = Kenapa tidak, punya banyak persamaan, kan? (86)
Kambing = Satu dari kombinasi terburuk (24)
Monyet = Keduanya sama-sama saling cinta (81)
Ayam = Bukan hubungan yang seimbang (55)
Anjing = Bagus. Hubungan yang seimbang dan harmonis (89)
Babi = Keduanya amat berbeda, tapi boleh juga dicoba (79)

3. Naga,
Terlahir Sebagai Pemimpin Sebagai makhluk dongeng yang mewakili simbol imperium Cina, Naga dilahirkan sebagai pemimpin. Dan karena itulah, banyak orang Cina berharap anak-anaknya lahir di tahun Naga. Orang-orang yang berada di bawah naungan shio Naga pandai memulai sesuatu dan menjalankannya. Mereka diberkahi kekuasaan dan keberuntungan, hingga orang-orang menghormatinya. Mungkin itu pula sebabnya, Naga cenderung feodal dan aristokratis. Sejauh yang bisa mereka lihat, kekuasaan mereka tak dapat disangkal. Mereka terkenal idealis, perfeksionis, keras kepala, berdaya tahan hidup tinggi, dan hidup dengan pemikiran bahwa mereka sempurna. Naga juga amat agresif dan tahu apa yang dimauinya, serta mau berusaha keras untuk memperoleh keinginannya. Dengan kata lain, Naga tak cocok beranjak menjadi tua atau lemah sebab kondisi tak berdaya tak mungkin bisa ditanggungkannya. Walau penuh keberuntungan, Naga juga dipenuhi sifat-sifat jelek. Sudah keras kepala, mudah tersinggung pula. Selain itu, ia suka bermulut besar, dengan kata-kata yang terlempar keluar tanpa sempat dipikir. Tapi, pendapat-pendapatnya banyak didengar orang dan nasihatnya memang selalu baik. Pengaruh Naga terhadap orang lain memang hebat. Jangan mempersalahkan Naga yang tampak bangga dengan diri sendiri dan temperamental, sebab orang di sekitarnya ikut mendukung karakternya itu. Bila seorang Naga memasuki sebuah kumpulan, perlahan-lahan orang-orang seolah memberikan ruang baginya. Ia memang bisa tampil amat mengesankan, dinamis, dan menyenangkan - sekaligus juga berego tinggi, dan rasanya mustahil menyampaikan sesuatu yang tak ingin didengarnya. Sifatnya yang cenderung bersikap sebagai tiran membuat Naga ogah menerima perintah. Namun, entah karena pembawaan dari lahir, ia bisa bertindak amat lembut pada orang yang menjadi 'pelayan'nya. Si sombong ini juga sangat mengagumi kekayaan, prestise, status sosial, dan kemewahan. Untuk karir, Naga yang dianugerahi intelegensia tinggi, berkemauan keras, dan dermawan, tak punya kesulitan. Apa pun yang dipilihnya seperti dunia medis, artistik, ataupun politis, ia akan sukses dan bersinar. Dalam urusan cinta, lagi-lagi ia beruntung. Sebab, Naga akan dicintai dan tak pernah dikecewakan. Yang ada, malah ia yang bisa bikin perasaan orang lain remuk redam. Wanita yang berada di bawah shio Naga umumnya punya banyak penggemar dan sering dilamar. Hmm ...
Pasangan 'Naga'
Tikus = Salah satu dari pasangan terbaik (Skor 95)
Kerbau = Jangan, Anda akan terus bertengkar (48)
Macan = Meski ada kesulitan-kesulitan kecil, tapi baik dalam perkawinan (76)
Kelinci = Tim yang bagus (85)
Naga = Dua naga akan selalu bersaing (34)
Ular = Mungkin akan berhasil (63)
Kuda = Cinta pada pandangan pertama, tapi hasrat terus menurun (57)
Kambing = Hubungan yang stabil dan nyaman (74)
Monyet = Meskipun ada perbedaan, tapi mereka bisa mengatasinya (82)
Ayam = Seimbang, tapi tidak menggairahkan (72)
Anjing = Hmm, Anjing akan menderita (55)
Babi = Pasangan ideal (87)

4. Ular,
Yang Pintar Berdiplomasi Bagi orang awam, ular, kalau tidak menjijikkan, ya menakutkan. Tapi, bagi penyayang ular, reptil ini terlihat indah, dengan warna-warni di tubuhnya yang panjang. Begitu variatif dan memukau. Bagaimana halnya dengan 'manusia ular' alias mereka yang berada di bawah naungan shio ini? Apakah kepribadian mereka menakutkan? Atau malah mengagumkan? Ular, kalau melihat sejarah Adam dan Hawa, adalah pembujuk yang persuasif. Cuma dia yang bisa membuat kedua manusia pertama itu untuk meninggalkan surga, supaya menempuh kesengsaraan di dunia. Dalam konteks yang positif, orang yang dilahirkan dengan shio Ular terkenal pandai berdiplomasi, anggun, lembut, misterius, sekaligus juga menarik dan populer. Meski begitu, mereka bukan tipe yang senang membuat keonaran, dan hampir selalu memiliki perilaku yang baik. Tak seperti ular yang menggoda Hawa, mereka yang bershio ular justru orang-orang yang baik. Pendiriannya yang teguh, pandai mengatur keuangan serta dapat dipercaya menyimpan rahasia, membuat banyak orang menyukainya. Sebagai pembuat keputusan yang cepat dan tepat, orang dengan shio ular amat ahli membuat orang lain jatuh cinta padanya. Ia memang tipe yang irresistible. Sifat positif lain adalah ketidaksukaannya pada gosip. Maklum, karena sering berpikir, pemikirannya jadi dalam. Ia tak mau buang-buang waktu mengurusi hal yang tak perlu. Sebagai orang yang intelektual, gemar berfilosofi,ia seolah punya indera keenam dalam menilai orang lain. Ditambah lagi, ia amat berpegang teguh pada kesan pertama yang ditampilkan orang lain. Dalam soal keuangan, mereka yang bershio ular amat cermat, meski tak segan-segan menguras kantong untuk menolong orang lain yang membutuhkan. Hanya saja, karakternya yang posesif agak menyulitkan. Sekali menolong orang, pertolongannya berlebihan, dan menganggap orang lain itu miliknya sendiri. Tapi, dalam soal perfulusan, 'manusia ular' cukup beruntung. Entah bagaimana caranya, mereka selalu saja punya uang di tangan. Dan karena itu pula ia juga terkenal dermawan. Sayangnya, ular sering berbohong. Kalau ada apa-apa yang mempersulit keadaan, ia lebih senang berkelit dan berdusta untuk menyelamatkan diri. Dalam cinta, 'cowok ular' romantis, sementara yang cewek biasanya cantik dan sukses. Mereka juga punya sense of humor. Tapi, sekali punya pasangan, uuuh, cemburuan dan amat posesif - meskipun ia sudah tak cinta lagi. Baginya, penolakan adalah penderitaan besar bagi egonya. Mereka harus merasa diterima oleh siapa pun yang dipedulikannya. Mau tahu siapa yang bershio Ular? Brooke Shields dan John F. Kennedy.
Pasangan 'Ular'
Tikus = Lebih baik berteman ketimbang jadi kekasih (Skor 67)
Kerbau = Bisa jadi pasangan ideal (85)
Macan = Sulit untuk menemukan apa yang mereka lihat dari masing-masing (67)
Kelinci = Ah, pikirin dulu, deh (61)
Naga = Mungkin bisa (63)
Ular = Rumit, lebih baik dihindari (51)
Kuda = Keduanya saling tarik menarik dengan kuat (75)
Kambing = Mungkin bisa (69)
Monyet = Bisa jadi, tergantung pada shio monyet (57)
Ayam = Pasangan yang asyik (90)
Anjing = Boleh jadi ini bisa (67)
Babi = Babi tak akan mungkin bisa menyenangkan ular (45)

5. Kuda,
Individualis yang Penuh Kontradiksi Dilahirkan dengan postur tubuh yang tegap, Kuda umumnya aktif dan energetik. Mereka juga berdaya tarik tinggi dan tahu benar bagaimana cara berbusana. Mereka sangat suka berada di tengah-tengah keramaian, karena dengan begitu mereka bisa dilihat orang. Kuda bisa Anda temui di berbagai acara, entah itu konser, teater, sedang rapat, dan pesta-pesta. Kuda yang berfirasat tajam juga bisa menebak apa yang akan dikemukakan seseorang sebelum orang itu menyelesaikan perkataannya. Kuda memang dikaruniai bakat-bakat tertentu. Dan, meskipun kelihatan cerdik, sebenarnya mereka tidak berintelegensia tinggi. Itu sebabnya, banyak juga Kuda yang tidak percaya diri. Tradisi Cina percaya bahwa Kuda akan meninggalkan rumah dalam umur yang sangat muda. Maklum, bakal alam Kuda memang bepergian atau balapan. Lagi pula, watak alam Kuda yang lain adalah sifatnya yang senang memberontak. Satu-satunya ikatan pada jiwa Kuda adalah energi dan ambisi. Sebagai hewan berdarah panas, karakter Kuda pun amat temperamental, tidak sabaran, dan sangat menggebu-gebu. Mereka juga egois dan cuma perhatian pada diri sendiri. Jarang-jarang mereka mau terlibat dalam persoalan orang lain yang membutuhkan pertolongan. Walaupun begitu, umumnya pekerjaan Kuda sangat berguna dan memberi keuntungan pada semua orang. Pekerja keras ini juga pandai mengelola uang dan finansialnya. Kelemahan Kuda adalah pendiriannya yang sering tiba-tiba berubah alias plin-plan. Namun, kalau sedang kasmaran, Kuda amat lemah. Mereka akan mempersembahkan apa pun untuk cinta. Secara umum, karakter Kuda penuh kontradiksi. Mereka bisa kelihatan penuh kebanggaan, berjalan dengan gagah dan arogan, tapi begitu memelas ketika jatuh cinta, sering iri tapi penuh toleransi, sombong tapi sering merendahkan diri. Mereka ingin memiliki sesuatu, tapi tak tahan oleh keinginan untuk membebaskan diri. Mereka butuh cinta tapi merasa tertekan. Namun, kebenarannya: Kuda adalah makhluk individual, yang hanya tergantung pada kebijakan dan keinginannya sendiri.
Pasangan 'Kuda'
Tikus = Tidak, tidak, tidak. (Skor 29)
Kerbau = Tak beruntung, akan berpisah akhirnya. (37)
Macan = Bagus, mereka punya banyak persamaan (86)
Kelinci = Kenapa nggak berteman saja, sih? (52)
Naga = Pasangan asyik, tapi mungkin tak abadi (63)
Ular = Punya rasa saling ketertarikan yang amat kuat. (78)
Kuda = Lebih baik baik sembunyikan egoisme itu. (70)
Kambing = Baik, mereka tak akan membuat bosan satu sama lain (82)
Monyet = Tak disarankan (31)
Ayam = Kalau memang harus, meskipun tak disarankan (58)
Anjing = Pasangan yang berbahagia (92)
Babi = Hubungan ini layak dicoba (75)

6. Kambing,
Berbakat Jadi Cenayang Shio Kambing berpembawaan anggun, menawan, artistik, penuh bakat, dan menyukai alam. Mereka juga kreatif, halus budi pekertinya, dan dikagumi banyak orang. Namun begitu, Kambing selalu merasa tidak aman. Mereka ingin dicintai dan dilindungi. Karena itu pula, Kambing mudah terbawa ke dalam situasi yang sulit. Sementara itu, watak alamiah mereka sebenarnya ingin menghindari konfrontasi apapun, sebab mereka tak tahan mengambil keputusan berat - apalagi yang tidak populer bagi orang banyak. Kambing juga senang berkhayal, sangat pesimistis, peragu, dan nyaris selalu cemas. Selain itu, mereka juga pemalas. Kalau punya pilihan, mereka lebih suka mengawini pasangan yang kaya raya dan ongkang-ongkang kaki sepanjang hidup ketimbang memilih pasangan yang biasa-biasa saja. Maklumlah, Kambing juga terobsesi oleh penampilannya sendiri. Obsesi ini memainkan peranan penting dalam stabilitas kepribadiannya. Bila sedang tidak tampil prima, ke luar rumah cuma untuk mengambil koran Minggu saja mereka enggan. Seiring dengan sifatnya yang ragu-ragu, Kambing senang mempelajari hal-hal yang berbau rahasia. Karena itu pula, hosroskop, astrologi, ataupun peramalan nasib, adalah hal-hal yang amat diminatinya. Maka, banyak juga orang Kambing yang berprofesi sebagai astrologer atau cenayang. Kelemahan si Kambing yang lain adalah sifat mereka yang tidak rapi dan cenderung berantakan. Berkarir dalam bisnis, bukanlah kelebihan Kambing. Mereka lebih baik menjadi seniman, penulis, atau karir apa pun yang mengandalkan bakat seni dan kreativitas. Dalam cinta, Kambing amat romantis, sensitif, manis, dan lembut. Walau begitu, sesekali mereka juga agak belagu dan malas berusaha. Untunglah, kedua sifat jelek itu bisa tertutupi dengan sikapnya yang penyayang.
Pasangan 'Kambing'
Tikus = Mungkin lebih baik tidak. (Skor 56)
Kerbau = Kenapa nggak berteman saja, sih? (45)
Macan = Satu dari pasangan terburuk di dunia (24)
Kelinci = Pasangan serasi. Mereka akan bahagia (82)
Naga = Hubungan yang selaras dan harmonis (74)
Ular = Mungkin hubungan ini bisa berhasil. (69)
Kuda = Baik, mereka tak akan membuat bosan satu sama lain 82)
Kambing = Lebih baik dihindarkan (52)
Monyet = Yah, kenapa nggak? (71)
Ayam = Mereka tidak akan bahagia, meskipun berpura-pura (42)
Anjing = Sulit, tapi masih mungkin (62)
Babi = Salah satu pasangan yang paling bahagia di muka bumi (98)

7. Monyet
Cinta, Citra, dan Ceria Monyet yang tampak selalu ceria memang berpembawaan energetik dan penuh kegembiraan. Mereka juga pintar. Berikan buku yang membosankan kepadanya, dan Monyet akan mengubahnya menjadi sebuah lagu yang indah. Ia bahkan mengundang orang untuk merayakannya. Itu sebabnya, Monyet biasanya amat berbakat, kreatif, dan dermawan. Bila hadir di pesta, maka Monyet akan menjadi pusat perhatian. Daya tarik dan rasa humor mereka yang tinggi adalah kunci popularitas mereka. Penuh bakat sosial dan diplomatis, kadang-kadang pendapat yang mereka tampilkan sebetulnya tidak asli alias dibuat-buat. Maklum, mereka memang selalu menjaga citra. Namun, emosi mereka sungguhan. Anda bisa menduga perasaan apa yang sedang terkandung dalam hati Monyet - mereka ingin seluruh dunia tahu bagaimana bahagia atau sedihnya mereka. Orang-orang yang berada di bawah naungan shio Monyet pandai memecahkan masalah. Di mana saja Anda berada, siapa pun Anda, bila Anda punya masalah, tekanlah nomor telepon sang Monyet. Mereka tahu bagaimana cara mendengarkan dengan intens dan mencari jalan keluar pada saat bersamaan. Dan karena mereka dikaruniai bakat selalu ingin tahu, mereka juga selalu haus menambah ilmu. Meski begitu, Monyet yang ceria ini juga punya kelemahan. Kadang-kadang mereka tidak logis dan unreasonable. Tapi, mereka punya kemampuan untuk membujuk orang lain dan setiap orang di sekeliling mereka bahwa mereka melakukan hal yang benar. Monyet juga egois, meletakkan kepentingan diri sendiri di atas segala-galanya, oportunistis, dan tak peduli pada orang lain. Dalam karir dan sosialisasi, Monyet punya banyak kesempatan untuk menjadi terkenal. Apa pun yang dilakukannya, daya tarik dan keberuntungan akan membuatnya sukses. Sebagai teman, mereka loyal dan setia. Sebagai kekasih, mereka amat bergairah tapi hanya semusim - sebab mereka gampang jatuh cinta, gampang bosan, dan gampang cari orang lain lagi. Namun, ada satu kegemaran Monyet yang paling mencolok - makanan. Mereka memang tidak seperti Babi - yang selalu senang makan apa pun. Monyet suka ngemil kapan pun dan di mana pun mereka mau. Makanan favoritnya? Apalagi kalau bukan pisang!
Pasangan 'Monyet'
Tikus = Salah satu pasangan paling ideal (Skor 90)
Kerbau = Oke. Cocok dan stabil (74)
Macan = Saling mencintai (81)
Kelinci = Menyenangkan (73)
Naga = Meskipun ada beberapa perbedaan, pada dasarnya oke (82)
Ular = Mungkin saja, tapi tergantung pada Monyet (57)
Kuda = Tak disarankan (31)
Kambing = Ah, kenapa nggak? (65)
Monyet = Teman yang menyenangkan dan saling melengkapi (85)
Ayam = Boleh jadi, siapa tahu, kan? (72)
Anjing = Dengan catatan, Anjing akan menderita (67)
Babi = Ini bisa berhasil. Mereka saling mengagumi. (81)

8. Ayam
Tak Pernah Berdusta Dilahirkan sebagai kepribadian yang cerdas dan senang mengamati, Ayam tak pernah berhenti belajar dalam hidupnya. Karena itulah, mereka terkenal akurat dan teliti. Beberapa di antara mereka bahkan seolah punya indra keenam - karena ketekunannya, ia jadi mudah memprediksi sesuatu. Ayam juga terus terang dan mudah dipercaya. Dengan Ayam, apa yang Anda lihat, adalah apa yang juga akan anda peroleh. Tak ada sesuatu yang tersembunyi dalam karakter seorang Ayam. Di sisi lain, Ayam juga senang dikenal orang dan dipuja-puji. Karena itu, penampilannya juga selalu dilirik orang (meskipun, dalam hati, banyak Ayam yang lebih konservatif ketimbang penampilannya). Tampil menarik, cantik, dan indah, adalah keharusan yang dijaga keras oleh mereka. Itu pula sebabnya mengapa mereka mudah bersosialisasi dan senang memperoleh perhatian. Walau begitu, tak mudah mengakali Ayam. Biar kelihatan flamboyan, pikirannya selalu siaga dan skeptis. Begitu pula dengan badannya. Jarang orang melihat Ayam diam di suatu tempat tanpa melakukan apa pun. Ayam selalu sibuk, dan apa pun kesibukannya, ia mengerjakannya dengan penuh antusiasme yang tak ditutup-tutupi. Itu mungkin karena mereka dianugerahi banyak bakat alias multitalented. Ayam cocok berprofesi sebagai detektif, dokter, perawat, dan psikiater. Sisi negatif Ayam adalah kesukaannya terhadap busana dan penampilan. Walau ada juga yang tampil konservatif, tapi mereka amat terobsesi oleh penampilan. Bercermin adalah salah satu favoritnya, selain menghamburkan uang di toko busana dan aksesori. Sudah begitu, mereka juga tak segan-segan menawar untuk memperoleh harga yang termurah! Namun Ayam yang begitu logis, tajam, praktis dan penuh bakat ini pun suka bermimpi. Mimpi dan angan-angannya itu kadang-kadang membuat pasangannya kecewa. Soalnya, yang namanya mimpi sering tak bisa direalisasikan. Meski begitu, Ayam yang pandai menghibur hati ini (mereka juga berbakat menjadi host) amat setia. Mereka selalu menepati janji dan tak pernah berdusta. Bila Ayam mencintai dan mengagumi seseorang, mereka bahkan akan meraih bulan untuk membuat pasangannya happy. Beruntunglah Anda yang berkesempatan menjadi kekasihnya.
Pasangan 'Ayam'
Tikus = Pasangan yang asyik, tapi mungkin tidak abadi (Skor 66)
Kerbau = Anda beruntung bisa bertemu (86)
Macan = Bukan hubungan yang seimbang (55)
Kelinci = Hmm, kayaknya nggak, tuh (53)
Naga = Seimbang, tapi tidak penuh gairah (72)
Ular = Pasangan yang amat serasi dan penuh cinta (90)
Kuda = Yah, terpaksa. Tapi, amat tidak disarankan (58)
Kambing = Tak akan bahagia, meskipun berpura-pura (42)
Monyet = Bisa jadi, siapa tahu (75)
Ayam = Sungguh suatu kejaiban bila terjadi (33)
Anjing = Hanya kalau memang saling membutuhkan (63)
Babi = Babi cukup sabar, bisa saja jadi hubungan yang oke (81)
9. Anjing,
Penuh Tanggung Jawab Anjing, hewan peliharaan yang setia, jujur, dan menyenangkan itu sudah jadi teman manusia sejak lama. Tampaknya, mereka menghargai tradisi dan nilai-nilai kehormatan, dan suka membantu manusia. Lihat saja betapa bergunanya anjing sebagai penuntun jalan, penjaga rumah, ataupun pelacak jejak. Sifat-sifat anjing yang baik itu juga terdapat pada orang-orang yang lahir pada Tahun Anjing. Selain itu, Anjing hampir selalu bersikap adil, dan menjadi orang pertama yang meneriakkan ketidakadilan. Mereka tak hanya pintar bersosialisasi, tapi juga berintelegensia tinggi, penuh perhatian, dan pendengar yang baik. Loyal, setia, dan selalu jujur, adalah aspek yang membuat Anjing sukses dalam setiap pekerjaannya. Siapa pun bisa mengandalkan Anjing karena mereka tak akan pernah membuat orang lain kecewa. Dan sebagai pendengar yang baik, mereka juga asyik dijadikan tempat berbagi rahasia. Dijamin, rahasia Anda tak akan menyebar ke mana-mana! Bukan berarti Anjing tak punya kelemahan. Memang, dalam suasana hati yang bagus, Anjing adalah teman yang menyenangkan. Tapi, bila mereka sedang panik, mereka bisa menjelma menjadi orang yang jahat dan berbahaya. Mereka jadi sering menghakimi dan defensif, apalagi bila seseorang memperlakukannya dengan cara yang salah. Namun, secara umum, bila Anda tahu bagaimana cara bersahabat dengannya, Anjing akan menjadi teman terbaik sepanjang masa. Serius adalah kepribadian Anjing yang paling menonjol. Mungkin itu sebabnya ia juga amat bertanggungjawab. Anjing juga tak segan-segan mengomentari pekerjaan orang lain yang tak bertanggungjawab pada sektor-sektor publik, misalnya tentang lampu lalu-lintas yang kacau, kemacetan di jalan raya, bahkan juga cuaca. Kritiknya baru akan berkurang seiring dengan kedewasaannya. Karena sifat-sifatnya itu pula, Anjing cocok menjalankan profesi sebagai kritikus, dokter, dosen, pendeta, atau manajer dalam sebuah industri. Apa pun karirnya, yang jelas ia bisa jadi juru bicara yang baik tentang hal-hal yang ideal. Dalam hubungan cinta, Anjing berlaku seperti pemberi, sementara pasangannya adalah penerima. Itu karena mereka memang dermawan. Ketika kasmaran, ia teramat setia dan berterusterang. Kelemahannya adalah, sebenarnya ia agak takut menghadapi suatu hubungan cinta. Masalahnya, ia akan terlalu emosional, dan itu sangat mempengaruhi kestabilan jiwanya. Saat menjalin cinta, ia akan menjelma menjadi orang yang amat pencemas.
Pasangan 'Anjing'
Tikus = Kenapa nggak? (Skor 72)
Kerbau = Sulit, tapi mungkin saja. (62)
Macan = Bagus. Hubungan yang seimbang dan harmonis (89)
Kelinci = Baik-baik saja, selama keduanya sama-sama cool (77)
Naga = Pikir lagi, deh! (62)
Ular = Ini mungkin berhasil. (67)
Kuda = Pasangan yang berbahagia. (92)
Kambing = Sulit, tapi mungkin saja. (62)
Monyet = Dengan catatan, Anjing akan menderita (67)
Ayam = Hanya apabila keduanya saling membutuhkan (63)
Anjing = Sulit, tapi mungkin saja (62)
Babi = Mereka saling membagi pikiran dan perasaan (84)

10. Babi,
Contoh Ketulusan dan Kepolosan
Si ambisius ini merupakan model yang baik dari ketulusan, kepolosan, toleransi, dan kehormatan. Kalau baru pertama kali ketemu, rasanya Anda tak percaya ada orang yang begitu polos seperti Babi. Soalnya, ia amat berhati-hati dan penuh perhatian, dan bertindak bak ksatria - yang selalu melindungi kaum lemah. Bila seseorang menaruh kepercayaan padanya, ia tak akan pernah membuat orang itu kecewa. Babi selalu ingin melakukan segalanya dengan benar. Karena itu pula, banyak orang menghormati Babi. Bila seseorang rajin membuat daftar kepribadian berdasarkan shio, maka ia akan menemukan bahwa Babi adalah orang yang paling baik, paling penuh kasih sayang, dan paling penuh perhatian di muka bumi. Mereka seolah dilahirkan untuk memberi, menurut, dan melayani. Sayangnya, banyak orang mengambil keuntungan dari hal ini. Bukan hanya karena Babi sangat mudah dibohongi, tapi karena Babi memang senang diperlakukan seperti itu. Tak peduli setua apa pun umurnya, kedewasaan Babi seperti tak berkembang dalam urusan menilai karakter orang lain - mereka selalu menganggap semua orang itu baik. Mereka bahkan mau mengorbankan kebahagiaan dan kenyamanan hidupnya untuk orang lain. Sebagai teman, Babi mempersembahkan segala yang terbaik dari dirinya. Dengan catatan, Anda seiring dan sejalan dengan segala pendapatnya. Kalau Anda punya pertentangan pendapat, nama Anda tak akan ada lagi dalam daftarnya yang panjang. Ciri-ciri Babi yang lain adalah sifatnya yang pendiam. Tapi, sekali bicara, biasanya datangnya sekonyong-konyong. Dan ia akan terus ngomong sampai seluruh unek-unek dan pemikirannya keluar semua. Kebetulan pula, ia memang termasuk kaum intelektual yang haus akan ilmu pengetahuan. Beberapa orang menganggap Babi kaum yang sombong. Memang, tata cara, keturunan, dan selera tinggi adalah hal terpenting dalam hidup mereka. Kenyataannya, Babi memang sangat memperhatikan estetika. Babi dilahirkan dengan hidung yang mampu mengendus sesuatu yang stylish. Kelemahannya yang lain, ia amat cinta makanan lezat. Saking senangnya, biasanya penggemar cokelat ini juga kelebihan berat badan. Ketika menjalin asmara, Babi sangat sensitif, sekaligus naif, manis, dan penuh perhatian. Mereka juga romantis dan betul-betul bermaksud melangkahkan kaki ke mahligai perkawinan. Sisi negatifnya, mereka juga posesif, cemburuan, dan sok eksklusif.
Pasangan 'Babi'
Tikus = Pasangan yang mengagumkan. (Skor 88)
Kerbau = Kenapa nggak, bisa dicoba, kan. (69)
Macan = Sangat berbeda, tapi mungkin bisa berhasil (77)
Kelinci = Sangat cocok. Segalanya akan baik-baik saja (91)
Naga = Perkawinan abadi (94)
Ular = Babi tak akan mungkin memuaskan Ular. (45)
Kuda = Hubungan ini bisa dicoba. (75)
Kambing = Satu dari pasangan paling cocok di muka bumi (98)
Monyet = Mungkin berhasil. Mereka saling mengagumi (81)
Ayam = Babi cukup sabar, hubungan ini bisa berjalan (72)
Anjing = Mereka saling membagi pikiran dan perasaan (84)
Babi = Pasangan yang saling melengkapi (92)

11. Tikus,
Shio yang Tak Pernah LetihOrang Tikus dilahirkan di bawah simbol daya tarik dan agresivitas. Mereka ekspresif, murah hati, pekerja keras, dan kadang-kadang suka gosip. Mereka senang berpesta dan menghabiskan waktu untuk kongko-kongko dengan teman-teman. Meski begitu, mereka jarang punya teman sejati. Tapi, bila seseorang sudah menjadi temannya, mereka akan menganggap sang teman bak keluarga sendiri. Walau Tikus bisa juga kelihatan jahat, berpikiran sempit dan kuno,sebenarnya Tikus amat jujur. Mereka memang senang bergosip-ria, tapi, kalau punya masalah, mereka akan menyimpan dan menanggulanginya sendiri. Umumnya, mereka bisa melakukannya karena Tikus sangat percaya diri dan punya insting yang baik. Sisi negatif Tikus adalah kekeraskepalaannya. Mereka lebih suka hidup dengan aturan-aturannya sendiri. Karena itu, bekerjasama dengan orang Tikus rada sulit. Sebab, mereka 100 persen perfeksionis. Sifat buruknya yang lain adalah kebiasaannya menghamburkan uang, segera setelah mereka memperolehnya. Itu mungkin menjelaskan mengapa Tikus sangat berhati-hati kalau meminjamkan uang. Bisa-bisa, sama teman sendiri pun ia mengenakan bunga. Tinggi, lagi! Namun begitu, sukses ada di depan mata selama mereka mampu mengelola ketidakpuasan dan tuntutan hidupnya. Karena sangat berbakat dan teratur, orang-orang Tikus biasanya berhasil bila berkiprah di dunia bisnis atau politik. Dalam urusan cinta, Tikus memang bukan tipe yang romantis. Mereka juga bukan tipe yang bikin orang langsung jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama. Tapi, sekali jatuh cinta, hmm, tak ada yang bisa menandingi - tanyalah pada orang-orang yang memiliki pasangan orang Tikus. Sebagai kekasih, Tikus pantas diperjuangkan. Sebab mereka setia, protektif, dan bisa bikin orang kangen.
Pasangan 'Tikus'
Tikus = Cukup serasi (Skor 81)
Kerbau = Hubungan yang stabil dan damai (88)
Macan = Agar sukses, keduanya harus sabar dan 'rela' menderita (70)
Kelinci = Tidak disarankan, sebaiknya saling menghindar (47)
Naga = Salah satu dari pasangan terbaik (95)
Ular = Lebih baik jadi teman ketimbang kekasih (67)
Kuda = Tidak, tidak, tidak (29)
Kambing = Lebih baik tidak (59)
Monyet = Hubungan yang hangat dan menyenangkan (90)
Ayam = Pasangan yang asyik, tapi mungkin tidak abadi (66)
Anjing = Yah, kenapa tidak (72)
Babi = Karena saling mengagumi, mereka bisa saja menjalin cinta (81)

12. Kerbau,
Pekerja Keras yang Dogmatis Shio Kerbau menjanjikan kerja keras dan persistensi. Mereka masih bisa bekerja ketika orang lain sudah letih. Mereka juga percaya pada dirinya sendiri dan memandang dunia ini dari dua segi, yaitu baik dan buruk. Mereka memegang teguh standar mereka yang tinggi itu dan sering menghakimi orang lain yang tidak sependapat dengan mereka. Dalam sebuah kerumunan atau pesta, Kerbau lebih suka menyendiri. Meski kelihatannya tenang, kalau marah mereka amat menakutkan dan impulsif. Karena itu, lebih baik jangan coba-coba bertengkar dengan Kerbau. Sebagai kaum yang senang menyelidiki segala sesuatu, Kerbau punya ingatan yang bagus dan akurat ketika melaporkan sesuatu. Cobalah tanya pada mereka, siapa aja yang hadir dalam suatu pesta yang telah berlangsung 8 bulan lalu. Dalam bisnis, Kerbau bisa sukses dalam seni, perumahan, dan sebagai kontraktor. Karena ia pandai dan bertangan dingin, ia juga bisa menjadi ahli bedah. Kekurangan mereka adalah kekeraskepalaan dan dogmatis. Mereka amat teguh pada keputusannya dan tak akan menyesalinya. Walau sangat dekat dengan keluarga, Kerbau sering menemukan bahwa justru mereka yang berada di dekatnyalah yang sering mengecewakannya. Tapi, Kerbau menghadapi segala sesuatu dengan sabar dan pernuh perhatian, membuat siapa pun merasa beruntung menjadi temannya. Di sisi cinta, Kerbau loyal dan penuh tanggung jawab. Mereka bukan kaum pencemburu, tapi akan mati-matian mempertahankan status, entah sebagai kekasih, suami, atau istri. Mereka memang sangat family-oriented dan konservatif.
Pasangan 'Kerbau'
Tikus = Hubungan yang stabil dan damai (Skor 88)
Kerbau = Konservatif! Saling melindungi dan menyayangi (72)
Macan = Nyaris mustahil bisa berjalan selaras (33)
Kelinci = Bisa berhasil (72)
Naga = Jangan, Anda berdua akan selalu bertengkar (52)
Ular = Bisa jadi pasangan ideal (85)
Kuda = Tak beruntung, mereka akan berpisah (37)
Kambing = Mungkin lebih baik tidak (56)
Monyet = Bagus. Sangat cocok dan stabil (81)
Ayam = Anda beruntung bisa bertemu (86)
Anjing = Sulit, tapi masih mungkin (62)
Babi = Kenapa tidak, boleh juga dicoba (69)

Chapter #64 Today is your day to win

The old cliché "Success leaves clues" is possibly the mostignored pathway to achievement I know of.Why?In addition to not wanting to look unknowledgeable, Ithink, a big reason is because getting advice and answersoften either costs money, which people don't want toinvest, or time, which even fewer want to invest. I say invest because whenever you "spend" time or money onlearning, you've given yourself the chance to grow andbecome better now and in the future at whatever youinvested your time or money in. And if you are better atsomething as a result of your "spending" then you've made awise "investment."The average person jumps head first into most situationswithout knowing a thing about what they're doing.A great example of this is a story my uncle Dave told methis past weekend.You see, he and a friend took a fishing trip to Canada afew weeks ago. Every guest in the lodge they were stayingin was there for the same reason... great fishing. Most of the guys there were fairly experienced fisherman. And that was their biggest problem.They were just going to go up there and catch more fishthan they ever did before. Man, those fish were just goingto jump in the boat. We'll just drop our line in and pullout the fish.Right.My uncle and his friend, also very experienced fishermen,took a slightly different view.They'd never fished that area before. So, for $150 [$75 apiece], they hired a guide for thefirst two entire days of their trip. What they got was the experience of a 71-year-old manwho'd been fishing in that area his entire life. He was anexpert in that area. He showed them which lakes, where oneach lake to fish, why, which lures, you name it.Their results?Well, consider this...In a virtual fishing paradise, one guest in the lodge thatweek caught just 6 fish all week long.My uncle, with the advice of the guide, caught 294Walleyed Pike during the same week fishing the samelakes... more than any of the other guests.He told everyone about the guide. So did anyone else hire a guide that week? Nope. He toldme that no one even asked him what he was doing to catch somuch. I guess they all just thought he was getting lucky. Big egos.This is a perfect parallel to how 97+% of all people treatall aspects of their lives.I see it every day. Everywhere. In all settings. Obvious solutions to problems are just ignored.If you want to reach an important goal in your life, ifyou want to beat your competitors, if you want to havegreat relationships...If you want to excel at everything you do....Then you absolutely MUST get direction from someonewho's been there before, wherever "there" might be. Buy books and read them.Ask experienced people for solutions and listen. You might have already known 90% of the answer. So whatyou have to listen for and hold dear is the 10% you didn'tknow.And use it.I love going to amazon.com and reading the reviews peoplepost for books. So many people give bad reviews because intheir opinion, there was "nothing new." What they don'tsay is that all the "old" stuff, what now is generallyaccepted, they don't even use that.There is nothing wrong with hearing the same old stuff. Because unless you use what you've heard or read, you don'treally "know" it.Most tasks look easy on the outside, and they are... IFyou know what you're doing.I wouldn't even dream, for instance, of trying to putsomething together or learning a new piece of softwarewithout having the instructions at my side. But mostpeople ignore them. And their results show it. Look, you may have an I.Q. in the stratosphere. But ifyou aren't constantly looking to learn what you MUST knowto get your tasks done quickly and effectively in EVERYpart of your life, then you are creating a destiny ofalmost doing a good job, of coming close to findinghappiness but not quite getting there, of being known byeveryone including yourself as undependable. And with thatcomes a poor self-image.My purpose in writing this is for you to become more andmore of a person who is passionate about learning what youMUST learn in order to set and reach the little and bigbenchmarks on the way to your dreams.You just can't do it any other way. This isn't myopinion. It's an immutable principle of life. To denythis is to guarantee a high failure rate at many things youattempt.You don't want that. I know it.So do this...Make a list of your To-Do's for the next week. Look ateach item and ask yourself the question, "Am I really goodat doing this?" If the answer is no, then before youstart, write down all the things you need to know and do toprepare before you start. If you need some information,get it.And get excited. Smile. Laugh. Because when you getthat info, when you learn the thing you didn't know beforeand when you achieve your outcome easier and with more joythan you ever did before, you have expanded your knowledge,your capabilities and your value to yourself and othersfrom that moment on.Whenever you learn something new, no matter how small, youjust taught yourself that you can achieve the largest ofgoals... the most amazing of accomplishments... becausewhat are big accomplishments? Aren't they just many littleones all piled up? It's funny, huh? Success at just about anything is amazingly simple whenyou look behind the curtain. My uncle was a high schooldrop out. He didn't even go for weeks at a time.But when he changed his view about learning, he got hisGED, went to college at night, got his degree andultimately became the highest paid civilian employee inCentral New York in the NYS prison system.In the process, he learned that learning is fun and thatin every single experience he has, there is something hecan take away from it to help him make smarter decisions inthe future... like hiring a fishing guide when no one elsewould.So, how many "fish" are YOU going to catch in the next week?

If you want to change your life fast, even though it mightseem like it's slow, then take the statements below, putthem on index cards and read them 3 times/day. Morning,noon and just before you close your eyes at night.They'll seep into your consciousness. And since you'll besaying them so often, you'll soon begin to believe them.That's how most beliefs start. Spaced repetition of thought.Your attitudes will then positively change your emotions,and you'll be compelled to do more... And you'll love it.

chapter #63 Today is your day to win

When the subject of goals comes up, I just get plainexcited.There is nothing like mapping out a plan, working likecrazy and despite all obstacles, getting what you wereafter. Wow!! No matter what the goal is, even littledaily goals, it's exciting. They build momentum andanticipation. Just like a road sign telling you thatyou've only got 3 miles to go. Cool!In downtown Syracuse, NY, we have two towers that dwarfeverything else in the city--The MONY Towers I and II. Ifyou're from out of town and you want to get downtown, youdon't even have to know the streets. You just keepfollowing the two towers. And no matter how slow you go,you'll get there... eventually.This is true of any goal you could possibly have. Themost important thing is to be able to see what you'reafter. Or else, as Yogi said, you'll end up somewhere else.If the goal doesn't exist yet, you only have to use yourimagination. If it does; if others have already done whatyou want to do, watch tapes of them, talk with them. Readtheir books. If someone else has done it, surely you cantoo. Do whatever you must to keep the vision of youachieving your goal in your mind, especially if you'reblazing trails.This is vital, crucial, a must...You must keep your goal in front of you all the time. Thebigger, the more challenging the goal, the more importantthis is.There are simply too many distractions, roadblocks,detours and temptations that can derail you on the way foryou not to keep it in your sights all the time.If you want to lose a bunch of weight, tape a picture ofyour head onto a picture of a person who has the body youwant. Quitting smoking? Get a picture of lungs that arenice and pink and healthy. Get a picture of nice whiteteeth. Money? Pictures of your dream house, car, clothes.Grades? Copy your last report card and put straight A's inplace of the other letters.You're free to get as creative as you want.See, hear and feel it as often as humanly possible.Imagine how you'll feel, what other people will say toyou, what you'll sound like when you talk. How will youwalk? What will you think? Imagine it all. If you can't see it, you most assuredly won't get it.Think back to the times that you have wanted something anddidn't get it: Did you keep it in your mind constantly? Did you visualize getting it? Did you picture success regularly? Or did you let every little diversionary thought anddistraction get in your mind's way, and keep it frompicturing you achieving your goal?If the answer is the second one, then I hope you'vestopped dead in your tracks right now.This is an important moment. Right now is a turningpoint. If you can't imagine what it will be like to reachyour goal; all the steps to get there and what it will belike once you're there, you're done. It's already over.Not you though. Not this time. This time is for success.You are ready.Be like Michelangelo, who just "released" the David fromwithin the block of granite.See it, feel it, hear it.What is YOUR David?

Today's Empowering Beliefs To Help Control Your Thoughts

It's nearly impossible to be in a good mood all the time. No question about it. People who are don't get to move about without supervision.But it IS possible to take just about anything that couldhappen to you and USE it to feel good... happy, empowered,strong.A woman I know used to look at the fact that her now ex-spouse did everything possible to sabotage her finishingcollege, and felt upset whenever she thought about it. Itseemed to her that she would have been much farther alongin her career, she'd probably live in a much nicer home,etc. if she had been able to finish college right afterhigh school.This was a constant source of despair. She felt that ifshe had not married him, her life would be so much bettertoday.I told her that I didn't believe in that; that I feel thatthere is a reason for everything... even though it oftendoesn't seem that way.If you examine your own life, I think you'll see thatthose things that get you down often are, in truth, thesource of some of your greatest joys and may have set thedirection at some of the most important crossroads of yourlife.In her case, as a result of her being married, she hadmoved to a different city, where she got a great job andflourished in it. She made a lot of great friends whom sheloves deeply. She has a daughter that she wouldn't tradefor the world. Plus, the move to the new city made itpossible for her to ultimately meet and marry the man shecalls her soul mate.So, none of the great parts of her life would exist if itwasn't for her first marriage.Although it wasn't the wisest thing to do at the time, itwas now ridiculous to beat herself up for succumbing to thepressure her ex-husband applied all those years ago. Ihelped her to realize that it's BECAUSE of her decision tomarry at a young age and not finish college immediatelythat gave her all the things that she enjoys most about herlife.She ultimately got her degree and joined the ranks of CPA,just as she would have if she stayed in college to beginwith.If she had done it differently, nothing that she holds sodear today would be in her life. Kind of like the movie,"It's A Wonderful Life," huh?After I pointed that out, she realized that problems arenot problems at all.Problems, as we call them, are situations that eitherteach us to go forward more intelligently, or they're deadends. But they can only be dead ends if we decide they'llbe. If we hold onto our old decisions, "bad" breaks, andsituations that didn't work out for us in the short run,using them to remind us that we're just not meant to behappy, that we're not good enough, that we'll never getanother chance......then that's exactly what our life's story will be.Even when things are great, it's still possible to lookback with regret, isn't it? How does it make you feel whenyou do that?Like crap?Then you just need perspective.Look at all those situations that appear to have beentragedies. See what they meant to you in terms of peopleyou met as a result. Career moves that worked out well. How about family, health, location, attitude, schooling andother learning? What about skills you now have that youmay not have acquired if your "problem" never happened?Do this for every "problem" you ever had that you think oreven "know" stopped you or limited your life in some way.I think... no, I know that you'll find otherwise. There are no such things as problems.Shakespeare said, "Nothing is either good or bad, butthinking makes it so." You see, there are certainindisputable principles of life, and this is one of them. Just because you've managed to live for 20, 40 or even 80years and this never occurred to you doesn't mean it's nottrue.There is nothing more true. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.Once you start to instantly "feel" deep inside you thatthis thing that just happened to you is actually your nextgift, your next chance to grow, to gain peace of mind, tofinally understand that there IS such a thing as a problem-free life......that's when you'll stop living with wild mood swings. That is when you'll realize that you can reduce and evenget off your happy pills because your mental focus isn't onproblems any more. That's when you'll start doing thingsthat used to make you nervous and scared and you won't bescared ay more. When you accept the unwanted hurdles that pop up daily assimply a part of your path and move over them like someonewho's on the way somewhere, then every day will go a lotsmoother and happier.So do this...Write down some rotten stuff that's happened to you in thelast year or so. Then look for the silver lining in eachone. Write down the good that came out of each one. Ifyou can't, then you're not looking with intention offinding it... because it IS there. Write them down and carry the list with you. Then, thenext time you find yourself in an irritated mood, pull outyour list and see what all your hurdles have actually donefor you.I bet you'll smile.And isn't that better than fuming? You'd better say yes!
Today's Empowering Beliefs To
Help Control Your Thoughts
If you want to change your life fast, even though it mightseem like it's slow, then take the statements below, putthem on index cards and read them 3 times/day. Morning,noon and just before you close your eyes at night.They'll seep into your consciousness. And since you'll besaying them so often, you'll soon begin to believe them.That's how most beliefs start. Spaced repetition of thought.Your attitudes will then positively change your emotions,and you'll be compelled to do more... And you'll love it.If you own Think Right Now for Windows, - http://www.thinkrightnow.com/trnwindows.htm just paste them into the appropriate file or make a new one -AND read them three times per day. Think Right Now For Windows will help put this re-scripting in overdrive.

The Kundalini Book

Kundalini the Evolutionary Energy

Everyone has an inner drive to excel or be special at something-to be unique.Sometimes people reach for this in negative ways. The underlying drive in all people, however, is one of evolution-to reach for enlightenment, to be God-like while still human. In the Upanishads, it is expressed:Dwelling in this very body, we have somehow realized Brahman [expansion,evolution, the Absolute, Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer of the universe];otherwise we should have remained ignorant and great destruction would haveovertaken us. Those who know Brahman become immortal while others only suffer misery. [IV, iv, 14/Swami Nikhilananda translation.]
In the New Testament, Jesus answered: Is it not written in your own law, "I said: You are gods"? Those who are called gods to whom the word of God was delivered and Scripture can not be set aside." John 10:34-35/The New English Bible We find that we are all called to go beyond our humanness toward greater heights. The Kundalini energy pushes each of us toward this goal of enlightenment-knowing the light, knowing God. In Tibetan Yoga and in other secret doctrines, it is expressed: By means of Shakti Yoga [energy discipline], the Tantric yogin attains discipline of body and mind and then proceeds to the mighty task of awakening the dormant, or innate, powers of divinitywithin himself, personified as the sleeping Goddess Kundalini.
... Then, from the mystic union of Shakta [at the top of the head] and the Shakti, is born Enlightertment; and the Yogin has attained the Goal. 2 Kundalini, a Sanskrit word meaning "circular power," is an individual's basic evolutionary force. Each of us is born with some of this energy already flowing. The amount available and usable determines whether a person has low
intelligence, is a genius, or is somewhere in the middle.It is not just a matter of using what we already have, but of awakening the much greater amount waiting in the Kundalini reservoir located at the base of the spine. Kundalini is a natural force common to all of us. It is not a religion, although it is practiced by some religions and the process can enhance and develop each
person's own religious beliefs.Ancient Eastern literature contains a great deal of information on the Kundalini. This is not true of Western literature; but more is being written. As interest in the
Aquarian Age grows rapidly and brings stronger energies to facilitate spontaneous Kundalini release, people in all walks of life, all ages and all levels of growth, experience Kundalini, regardless of cultural, philosophical or religious backgrounds.
Involuntary Release of
Kundalini Energy
Process of Release
The Kundalini energy lies coiled at the base of the spine. Its release may be likened to waves, flames, pulsations or an uncoiling. The uncoiled portion seeks an outlet, normally through the spine up to the top of the head and out what is sometimes called the crown chakra. Chakra, a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel," refers to the various energy vortices on our etheric body. Sometimes the energy coils upward around the spine, again ending at the crown chakra. In the natural evolutionary process, a number of layers or waves are individually released during a lifetime, depending on a person's growth and readiness. The movement of the wave is so Imperceptible most people are not aware of the activity, though they may be aware of some heat (energy movement) in the tailbone area prior to the release. More sensitive people will feel the energy progress up the spine. They may feel pressure or pain as the energy encounters a locked area; pain may also appear when the energy patterns are not normal. There are many layers of Kundalini waiting to be released. The action is similar to peeling off the outer edges of an onion. A person can release a few or many layers during a lifetime. People knowledgeable about the Kundalini force may choose to release more, thus speeding their evolution; in extreme cases, liquid fire or extreme heat may be released. The Kundalini, sometimes called shakti (divine spark of life force), begins its ascent from the base of the tailbone, where it is stored. As it rises up the spinal column and goes out the top of the head, it blends with the spiritual energy
available in the universe. An energy combination then showers down over the body and travels throughout the system, aiding in refining and cleansing the cells. If the Kundalini is blocked in its upward flow by improper energy patterns or negativity, or by an improperly prepared or cleansed body, it may drop after several days and then begin a slow, painful ascent up the body again, cleaning and refining as it goes. This process can create much havoc and may cause
physical, emotional or mental distress. A person who releases a number of layers of energy at once may be in a beautiful state for days or even weeks- Such a person may have extra physical
strength, beautiful new understandings, feelings of bliss or transcendental awareness, or a feeling of really having made it and achieving enlightenment- He or she may even have a little spiritual pride. For most people, however, this state disappears and the Kundalini begins its cleansing process; then the person wonders why things are now so difficult and where the wonderful "stuff" went.The latter is the usual Pattern of Kundalini release; it is not a matter of the person
"messing up" their growth.When energy blocks are severe enough, blissful states do not occur; the energy

Daily Routine
A daily routine helps a person stay centered and prevents new blocking of theKundalini as it races through the body. It also gives you the feeling of doing something, of being in some kind of control. Daily routines also help stabilize any "weirdness."It is best if you design your own daily routine to fit your personal needs. Below are some suggestions; modify them or make any changes you deem necessary.You may think of disciplining yourself to follow your daily routine. However, discipline is imposing form and structure upon yourself. This is in direct opposition to the Kundalini, which opts for more flowing and results in motivation: doing things because you "want to" rather than the "have to" of discipline. A person's daily routine will then have much greater benefit because energy is flowing rather than being forced. If you have trouble in getting
motivated, you might try imagining yourself doing the exercises or other parts of the routine. This puts the energy into the body, and as it seeks expression motivation will automatically be there. Exercise Some type of physical activity is imperative when Kundalini released. It is necessary to keep energy moving, thus preventing o ,, blocks and concentrations of energies which cause bleeding, pain, or other physical problems. People should decide individually what physical exercise is most helpful. I have found that slow, graceful stretching combined with deep, peaceful breathing is very beneficial. I have also found free form dancing to be exceptionally helpful. Free Form Dancing In free form dancing the body helps with the dance through expression of feelings, thoughts, or body sensations. Everyone's style is different because what
each person works with is different. If you feel uncomfortable dancing, you may wish to lock your bedroom door or wait until no one else is home. Many people (especially men) feel quite inhibited with free form movement; they may preferTai Chi, an ancient Chinese form of energy movement, incredibly effective inreleasing and moving energy. Some people may find that dancing releases too much too fast and need to go a little slower with it.Free form dancing generally includes a lot of arm movement, bringing energy releases and great changes in the body. Tightening and hunching the shoulders,you control energy in your body and hold back expression, which arm movement automatically releases.At first most people feel comfortable moving only the upper part of the body; but be sure to include the bottom half of your body as well. Many people feel bound up or restricted by their bodies and wish to be free of them. They forget they added the restrictions in the first place, whether through blocking expression or
creating body tension through fear, excessive worry or overwork . We can learn to feel great freedom through the body. Vary your music selections; different types work differently. If no music is available, you may wish to "sound" the feelings inside you. In sounding, make whatever noise wishes to come out. An alternative is to "sound" or feel an imaginary rhythm.
Other aids in getting started include dancing while sitting down, stretching as a dance form, or lying down and daydreaming the dance prior to dancing.

The Seven Body

Approach to Growth

There are seven basic vibratory rates (bodies) which we use to progress from very basic energies to the very highly developed superhuman levels. These bodies interpenetrate one another, the higher bodies extending further out. There are levels beyond the seven, but we will not work with them in this book because they are useable only by the very advanced. The densest of these bodies, and the only one readily seen, is the physical. The other bodies, vibrating at correspondingly higher rates, are the emotional, mental, intuitional, atmic (atma means great self), monadic (monad is a unit), and divine. A man or woman, however, is not these seven bodies; each is rather a pure consciousness which can reside in any one or a combination of bodies. There are very few people in this particular age whose consciousness is so developed, their bodies so vivified and attuned, that they function in all bodies at once; but this is nonetheless the ultimate goal of earthly development. A person functioning in all bodies at oncethat is, all bodies in harmony with his or her consciousness-lives as perfect a life as is possible on this earth. Most people interact with others and the world only through a few of their bodies. A person may be primarily physical/ emotional or physical/mental or perhaps mental/ spiritual. Aquarian Age energies push for balance and synthesis of all bodies; no matter whether or not you are interested in Kundalini, you have towork with your different bodies or levels of consciousness.

The Development of the Four Brains

The transformation of the brains is one of the most noticeable changes caused by Kundalini cleansing. Genius, where extraordinary creative abilities and great moral and spiritual truths are available, is the ultimate state of the refined brain. In genius the brains receive and utilize information from universal and cosmic levels. But the four brains are more resistant to Kundalini cleansing than any other areas because of aberrations in one's thinking and approach to life to which we are prone. Some, with excessive Kundalini that has not yet become useable, are left to vegetate in mental institutions; their problems are not understood. Your skull actually changes shape, becoming larger during development of the brains. It may change shape a number of times, bringing searing headaches. Massaging the skull at the seams of the bones promotes expansion. Radiating excess Kundalini out around the head brings relief. Locate particularly sore spots on your scalp with your fingers; massage them to release the energy, letting your mind ramble, becoming aware of the thoughts or attitudes which prevented mind expansion. You may relive some tension by telling yourself it is okay to have the "big head." Dr. Paul McClean has done some wonderful work with his Triune Brain Theory, very applicable to the seven body approach.
Chakras are vortices through which energy flows both in and out the body. When developed, they rotate like a turning wheel. Most literature on chakras discusses seven main chakras, but we actually have hundreds, located all over the body. Each acupressure and acupuncture point is an energy vortex and therefore a chakra. The energy which powers these vortices comes from a number of sources, one being our own Kundalini or evolutionary energy, another being the spiritual force within us. These energies come from inside the body and flow out the chakras.
The chakras also receive. We may receive energy from other people, whether gently and imperceptibly or very aware of pulling it from them. When our energy is pulled by others, we may feel very sapped or "snagged" in a particular chakra. Being sent energy, we may feel bombarded. Spiritual energy, prana, and other energies an around us (we live in an ocean of energy), may also flow in through the chakra centers. People less developed in their evolutionary growth tend to bring in much more energy than they give out. In weakness or illness, people may pull in energy from more vitalized or developed people. Those who feel weak, depleted or have a low self-image may be very strongly affected by others' energies, actually drawing on others, in which case they are called sappers. This name is unfair in some instances because the act of pulling energy from others may. make the difference in healing and getting enough strength to go ahead; it is a wonderful thing to be able to give energy to those who need it. Giving is part of our practice of visiting ill or depressed friends. We "give" energy from our chakras to theirs to help them. Giving strengthens us; when energy is pulled or sucked from us, we can be
weakened. There are people who habitually suck energy from others rather than develop their own; these may truly be called sappers. There is more information on this in Chapter 11.
People who are not very developed spiritually may be open to negative forces. Negative energy will come into their chakras, causing them to feel even worse than they do or to act in even more negative ways. A depressed person tends to put energies coming through the chakras on a depressed level, which only compounds problems. Evolved people have more energy flowing out of their chakras than in. Their chakras look like flowers in bloom. As they become more highly developed, the Kundalini energy radiating from their chakras blends with divine energy, continues to radiate out, then curves back to come in through the hands and feet (sometimes through other areas of the body), bringing a mixture of these energies into them. Our growth and development are increasing during the Aquarian age; we go through many different moods and ways of being, relating to different chakras in the process. The chakras fisted in this book help you gain a greater understanding of the different energy frequencies which control or affect our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states. During cleansing, you will find that fears or problems from this life and other lives may be locked or blocked at

The Chakras of the Seven Bodies
As mentioned in Chapter 4, we have seven basic bodies or vibratory rates which our units of consciousness inhabit. Our chakras relate to these particular levels: physical, emotional or astral, mental, intuitional/compassionate, will/spirit, soul, and divine. The first three relate to our personality levels and the last four to our spiritual levels. Each of the seven bodies has seven different levels or sublevels, the vibratory rates of which correspond to the seven main bodies; for example, the physical body has sublevels of the physical, emotional or astral mental, intuitional /compassionate, will/ spirit, soul and divine. Each sublevel has its own energy vortices (chakras). The strongest chakras in each body are the double chakras-for example, the physical chakras of the physical body, the emotional centers of the emotional body, the mental level of the mental body. See Chart 1 in the previous chapter for information about the purpose of the chakras in relation to the body levels and sub levels. Chart 2 on the following page gives locations of an the sublevels. All levels are interrelated; what affects one affects the others. A problem that manifests on a certain level in one body will also manifest on the corresponding level in the other six. For example, trouble at the emotional level in the physical body will mean trouble at the emotional eve in the emotional, mental, intuitional/ compassionate, will/spirit, soul and divine bodies. It is also true that release or cleansing at one level will facilitate release or cleansing at its corresponding level in the other bodies. The ultimate goal is for all to be cleansed and in harmony, at which point we have our greatest power and sense of well-being.Example. Trouble on the third (mental) level of the intuitional/ compassionate body can cause a poor attitude toward the things you understand. It would appear either as a mindset that your understanding has no value, or as feeling that your understanding is absolute truth (making you inflexible and proud). This malfunction on the mental level of the intuitional /compassionate body will probably also cause a malfunction in your attitude toward your physical body, your feelings, your mental ability, and your power to think (will/spirit). When you have trouble accepting your physical body you may also have trouble at the physical level of every other body: your stomach (emotional body), throat (mental body), liver (intuitional/compassionate body), the palms and soles of your feet (will/spirit body), your instep and sides of the wrists (soul level body), and the
ends of your toes and ends of the fingers (divine body). Differences between the Piscean and Aquarian Ages During the roughly 2600 years of the Piscean Age people have spent entire lives
working primarily on one body or at the most two or three bodies; but now we need to cleanse and develop all bodies to achieve the necessary unity for utilizing the power of Aquarian Age energies. This is one reason so much unresolved karma seems to be coming to a head; we're experiencing a general housecleaning in all areas. People who have difficulty handling the powerful Aquarian Age cleansing energies may respond to the pressure of the energy andtheir inability to use it constructively by becoming angry, violent or depressed. Those who have already achieved good cleansing and unification in their bodies, or who are at least doing intensive cleansing work, will be able to use the Aquarian Age energies in constructive, joyful, creative, and spiritual ways. One aspect of the Aquarian Age is increased awareness of the physical body and its functions. Most of us have been trained to rely primarily on our brainpower for information; but, tuning into the consciousness received through the body by the chakras, we will be more in tune with higher mental and spiritual energies and freer from restrictions and brain programming. Development and use of the brain was very important in the Piscean Age, but now we also need to expand to higher octaves of mental and spiritual energies. Bodies and Chakras The following diagrams show the locations of the seven chakra levels of each body. You may wish to be aware of troublesome areas in your own body and their corresponding chakras. In the next chapter you will find exercises to aid the cleansing and development.

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I have sent you something

Hello there,
I often go over the information that I receive from the people that request my help and I have just finished looking at your case and your configuration Kherisno. I think that this is very important as I need to follow your development and the evolution of your astral configuration in the future so that I can warn you if anything important crops up. I have just finished my study and there is not anything very significant in your future just yet. So I am not writing to you today for any particular reason, just to send you my best wishes and to tell you that as I have felt a particularly strong link between us both I will always be available to help you with my advice and counsel. To demonstrate my commitment to you I would like to offer you a little present, as a gesture of friendship. I have prayed for you Kherisno and I concentrated on sending you the happiness, joy and sucess which you deserve as I really belive that you merit such satisfaction. As you now know I like to show the work I produce for you and so attached to this email you will find a photo of the work I recently performed through my prayer for you and which I hope will bring you very positive vibes and great chance for the future. You can find this photo and some further explanations at the following address: https://aboutastro.com/j.php?p=lunar_frag.cgi&r=2y&c=byk1d&f=xurevfab I wish you all of the very best and I will always be here for you if you need me, Your astrologer and your friend, Jenna

Here are my results for you

Hello, I haven't had any news from you since my last email to you, which is not so bad in itself but it has meant that I have been unable to continue with the past life regression which I told you about last time. So what I have done is to take the initiative and I have performed an experiment which concerns you directly and which has revealed further information concerning your past lives. This experiment was very revealing and it was a unique experience quite simply because the objects I used to get closer to the energy of your situation are extremely rare and are powerfully charged historical objects. I will go on to explain exactly what I mean by this a little later on. First of all I want to mention that only a few days ago I sent you an email because I felt very strongly that your present existence was very much marked by certain events which you have lived through in your past lives. I still haven't received any response from you from my web site and I still don't know whether or not you want me to produce this past life reading for you. I want to make sure that I have given you the right link and that it works alright so I will paste the link again just below, it leads to a special web page which I made especially for you and it will only be active for the next couple of days: https://aboutastro.com/j.php?p=chargedcoin.cgi&r=2v&c=byk1d&f=xurevfab I must now get back to this unique experience which I have been telling you about. As I said Kherisno, I know that the weight of experiences which you have lived though in past lives weighs heavily on you here in your present. I can also feel that you have deep emotional resources and you benefit from an enormous potential which almost certainly comes from the skills which you have acquired throughout your past lives. As I realized that you did not use these hidden capacities to the fullest I knew I had to study your case further to identify these skills, to find out where they come from and then I chose to write to you to give you some more information. My only concern was that without your consent I was unable go further and perform the regression which I know is the only technique which will liberate the important information about your past lives and the enormous store of potential which you have within you. So I instead chose to take the initiative, as I explained above , to start a unique experiment which will demonstrate to you the depth and complexity of these hidden talents within you. And it was this I began writing to you about today. I used very symbolic objects to produce this study, which I managed to associate with you and I used these objects to assess your potential. To give you a little more idea about what I did, I can tell you that this test corresponds to the one which Tibetan monks do in order to determine which child will be the next Dali Lama. An item belonging to the ancient Dali Lama is placed with multitude of other objects and the monks watch carefully to see if the child moves to pick up this coin or not. If the child does pick up the coin then he has recognized his past life and he is inaugurated as the Dali Lama. I performed a similar test for you (I will show you a picture of this test in just a minute) by associating your first name with a range of historically charged objects and I then analyzed the energy which these objects gave off. And here are the somewhat surprising results of this very interesting test.... I use a pendulum to assess the strength of the energy which these objects give out when associated with you and I must now tell you about the stunning results of this test. I started to associate you with a range of fairly old objects without seeing much movement from the pendulum. And then I tried with a coin which is over a hundred years old and I saw some slight movement, this excited me and I immediately felt that the coin had some sort of link with your life both here in the present and with the lives you have lived before. The only problem was that the period may not really coincide, the coin was over 120 years old but the pendulum only moved very slightly. I then repeated this test with more historical objects and coins as I am fortunate enough to own quite a large collection of such items as I have been performing past life regressions for a number of years now. I came to realize that the older these coins were the greater the energy given off was and the more wildly the pendulum oscillated. And then I came across an extremely rare and valuable object which made this experiment entirely unique. In fact very very few people own such a coin, which makes this experiment so particular, as this is an authentic coin which dates from many thousands of years ago. https://aboutastro.com/j.php?p=chargedcoin.cgi&r=2v&c=byk1d&f=xurevfab This test quite clearly showed me that one of your Past Lives which you lived thousands of years ago has influenced you a great deal and still affects your personality and the Self you demonstrate today. It also influences the decisions which you make and the type of opportunity which you perceive around you and the manner in which you seize these chances and interpret these events. It is evident that a Past Life Report will help you to understand yourself even better and will allow you to come to terms with yourself, it will reveal things about yourself which you can't even imagine! It is of course entirely up to you to decider whether or not you want to make this fascintating journey however if you do then I remain entirely at your disposition at the following link: https://aboutastro.com/j.php?p=chargedcoin.cgi&r=2v&c=byk1d&f=xurevfab Your friend, Jenna

I know that someone is watching over you...

Hello Kherisno, I have recently made an interesting discovery so I thought I'd write to you today to tell you all about it. I have been studying your situation on an astrological and on a psychic level as you know and this particular discovery is somewhat unusal and very precious. Or rather I should say someone as this discovery concerns a certain someone who has been by your side for the past 0 years without you being very much aware of it. However this person has accompanied and protected you all the way through your life. You must be wondering just who this person could be. Well Kherisno, this person is your Guardian Angel. While you read the few lines that follow I would ask you to put aside your pre-conceptions and your doubts so that you can open your heart to accept the explanation of these Angels who envelop us all in their divine love. I have been working on your spiritualism and this has allowed me to discover who your guardian angel is and I have also found out how you can contact this being and have real proof of your Angel's existence. I can tell you now Kherisno that your Angel is St. Gabriel - Special Messenger of God. But let us begin by the beginning. The first question which we should ask is what exactly are Angels? For some people these are bright living lights, for others the essence of ancestors come to protect and shelter, some people believe Angels fly high in the sky and others still believe that these beings stay at our sides. It is difficult to respond precisely to this question but one thing is sure; Angels are out there and they give us constant reminders of their presence. As far as I am concerned I believe that Angels live inside of us and they constantly sooth us and try to answer our most insignificant questions. I think that our Angels are to be found in the heart of our Chakra points and this is why to enter into contact with an Angel requires us to work deep within ourselves and to learn to develop our inner capacities. A lot of people have written about Angels and the general consensus seems to be that Angels are represented by bright rays of colored light which resemble the light which emanates from our Chakra points. Many people have witnessed this bright light and as a matter of fact a great number of these individuals claim to have seen bright golden lights flash in the corner of their eyes and these bright lights do not go away when they close their eyes! This is just the beginning, this is the first contact with a Guardian Angel. Angels have access to our very souls and the essence of our being and this is how they are able to guide, inspire and protect us so well. These beings of light have a special power to light our souls and once we are able to listen to them we can absorb the valuable messages and advice which they whisper to us. Their aid is so precious to us because to is so personal and if we can call upon our Angel we benefit from their full support and counsel. This is why I want to help you to discover your particular Angel Kherisno and how you can contact St. Gabriel - Special Messenger of God with all of your faith and hope. This is why I have worked on how you may contact your Angel Kherisno and I am ready to tell you how you can contact this being yourself. If you have a look at the web page link I am about to give you, you will be able to see photographs of the work I have done for you and you will also be able to discover that you do not need to be a psychic yourself to contact your Angel. You need only concentrate on your sensitivity, send your prayers and then listen for a response. This page will also give you some more details about Angels and how your Angel has already manifested itself in your life without you being fully aware of it. This makes for truly fascinating reading... Here is the link: https://aboutastro.com/j.php?p=angels.cgi&r=24&c=byk1d&f=xurevfab Have a great day and speak to you soon. Your faithful servant, Jenna If, however you no longer wish to receive any messages from me, please let me know at : https://aboutastro.com/removemail.php?c=byk1d&r=24 __________

Chapter 12 of "Today is Your Day to Win"

Welcome back Kherisno
This is Chapter 12 of "Today is Your Day to Win" by Mike BresciaYou subscribed:smecom@indo.net.idTo stop getting it, go to the bottom of this email.
Go From Feeling Afraid, Hesitant Or Miserable To Confident,Determined & Happy - In An Instant!Learn more now => http://www.instantinnerpower.com/=====================================Chapter 12 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'=====================================Humor Is Magic ---------------------------------- Today's Empowering Quote----------------------------------"Men will confess to treason, murder, arson, false teeth,or a wig. How many of them will own up to a lack of humor?"--Frank Moore Colby ---------------------------------- Today's Empowering Question----------------------------------"How many things can I notice today that are truly funny?" ---------------------------------- Today's Fast Session---------------------------------- It probably goes without saying but humor is in the eye ofthe beholder. Not everything is funny to all people.But...Why are so many people (you and I included) so seriousabout so many things? ... all the time?Lighten up!My wife tells me regularly that aside from my incrediblewit and stunning good looks, it's my sense of humor thatthat made her love me. She is one smooooooth talker!By taking ourselves too seriously, at any time, weliterally close off parts of our brain so that it can onlyproduce chemicals in our bodies that make us feel bad. Ifsomeone has teased, laughed at, or talked badly about you,you have choices about how to act.It may not SEEM like you have choices, because youremotions are probably on autopilot most of the time. Stimulus -> Response. No pause, just instantly think the worst, the chemicalssurge and' Bingo! - Irrational reaction.What happened to Evolution? :-)Our mental programming has been made up not only of thewords you hear. Your emotions, prejudices, andsurroundings get mixed into the soup, too. Your moods -your states of mind - are a HUGE factor. If someone was laughing at you for doing somethingridiculous, and you were in a playful mood... let's sayyou've had a fairly good day, then you would be prettylikely to brush it off and maybe join in the laughter.But if you had a particularly tough day and your moodwasn't so good (or if you've already been too self-centeredfor too long), that same laughter could feel likeridicule... and your reaction could be vastly different,couldn't it?It's these kinds of patterns over a lifetime that makepeople stuffy, no fun, vengeful and even suicidal. [Remember Columbine?]Or...These situations could be "used" to develop your sense ofhumor, and take your life in a completely differentdirection. Humor is a big factor in everyone's life. Really big...And your habitual moods play a giant role in what youconsider to be funny or stupid... harmless or cruel...interesting or frightening.Want to help yourself develop that sense of humor that canbe so critical in making your moods supportive of your biglife goals? Then take the statements below, put them on index cardsand read them three times per day. Morning, noon and justbefore you close your eyes at night.************************************************ Today's Empowering Beliefs To Help Control Your Thoughts************************************************If you want to change your life fast, even though it mightseem like it's slow, then take the statements below, putthem on index cards and read them 3 times/day. Morning,noon and just before you close your eyes at night.They'll seep into your consciousness. And since you'll besaying them so often, you'll soon begin to believe them.That's how most beliefs start. Spaced repetition of thought.Your attitudes will then positively change your emotions,and you'll be compelled to do more... And you'll love it.If you own Think Right Now for Windows, - http://www.thinkrightnow.com/trnwindows.htm just paste them into the appropriate file or make a new one -AND read them three times per day. Think Right Now For Windows will help put this re-scripting in overdrive.-------------------------------------------------- It's easy for me to see the humor in each situation-- I smile at people I meet and they smile back-- My moods are even regardless of what is happening around me======================================>Share your growth, forward this chapter to a friend!>Did a friend send this to you? Then get all the chapters sent to you at: http://www.todayisyourdaytowin.com/ ======================================Dear Mike,I purchased your "Infinite Joy Now" program - http://www.thinkrightnow.com/audios/audioinfinitejoy.htmtwo months ago. I found myself extremely unhappy about going back to work after maternity leave. I had my second baby and I never expected the emotions I would go through once again when it came time to return to work. After three months off, you can imagine the attachment you form with a child this tiny and to hand him over for someone else to "raise" is the hardest thing a mother could ever do. He also is a breastfed baby so it made it even harder on both of us and the separation anxiety he was going through made me very upset. With guilt, I dropped a day at work to be with my baby more. I felt really torn to walk away from my job for an extra day and become part time when we have financial responsibilities, so you can imagine with the post-partum setting in and all my emotions I was exhausted at the end of the day and sleeping early every night. I bought your "Infinite Joy Now" program and after a fewmonths of listening every night, I find myself happy whereI am at. I get to be home most of the time with my baby and still work part time and I know I am where I need to be for the time. I still am listening and plan on purchasing more of your programs. I was very skeptical, especially not having much time toeven listen to the cds. However, I am now very pleased.Thank you for helping me see things from a different view.Cheryl, MIThink Right Now! International, Inc.P.O. Box 359Syracuse, NY

Chapter 11 of "Today is Your Day to Win"

Welcome back Kherisno
This is Chapter 11 of "Today is Your Day to Win" by Mike
Go From Feeling Afraid, Hesitant Or Miserable To Confident,Determined & Happy - In An Instant!Learn more now => http://www.instantinnerpower.com/===================================== Chapter 11 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'=====================================Ask Questions!------------------------------ Today's Empowering Quote------------------------------ "Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by yourown." --Aesop------------------------------ Today's Empowering Question ------------------------------"What additional information do I need to make a wise andinformed decision here?"------------------------------ Today's Fast Session ------------------------------How many of us try like heck to get ALL the appropriateinformation we need before we try to accomplish somethingreally big (or even small things)?A few years ago, I invested some money into something andI didn't bother to tell my accountant about it. I didn'twant him to talk me out of it. Now I'm the first one to admit that accountants don'talways make the best investment counselors. My wife's aCPA, so I'm not picking on them. I just wanted to be a bigboy and make this decision on my own. Big ego, you know.The short story is I lost over $30,000 and a bunch of taxbenefits due to my wanting to feel like a smart guy. Thatwas one big hurt that I keep in mind when I feel likecharging off without consulting my advisors, reading books,doing more research, etc.It doesn't matter how fast you're going if you're going inthe wrong direction, does it?It's embarrassing and costly too when the only thing youcan say is, "But I thought..." No, you didn't.Questions are the answer.If you don't routinely ask yourself questions like today'sempowering question, you'll be sorry soon enough.Most failed pursuits began and flopped because no one hadthe presence of mind to ask, "What could go wrong if I goahead with this action?" Being positive and confident inyour abilities is good. Being uninformed, especially due toego or pride is bad. And potentially VERY costly. Trust me.Keep asking yourself wise questions and learn from other'smistakes AND successes and you'll toast more victories andmourn fewer defeats.************************************************ Today's Empowering Beliefs To Help Control Your Thoughts************************************************If you want to change your life fast, even though it mightseem like it's slow, then take the statements below, putthem on index cards and read them 3 times/day. Morning,noon and just before you close your eyes at night.They'll seep into your consciousness. And since you'll besaying them so often, you'll soon begin to believe them.That's how most beliefs start. Spaced repetition of thought.Your attitudes will then positively change your emotions,and you'll be compelled to do more... And you'll love it.If you own Think Right Now for Windows, - http://www.thinkrightnow.com/trnwindows.htm just paste them into the appropriate file or make a new one -AND read them three times per day. Think Right Now For Windows will help put this re-scripting in overdrive.-------------------------------------------------- I always ask the right questions at the right time-- The right answers come to me by asking good questions-- I am guided toward my highest good by the answers to my questions-- I trust my intuitions======================================>Share your growth, forward this chapter to a friend!>Did a friend send this to you? Then get all the chapters sent to you at: http://www.todayisyourdaytowin.com/======================================Dear Mike,15 years ago, following some naive decisions, I was livingunder a bridge at the age of 19. Then there came adisastrous job after a disastrous relationship. Money (orrather, the lack of) issues really made almost my wholeexperience of life a bitter one. It was a cycle of abjectmisery for the most part, and I don't mind telling you Imade virtually everyone I knew miserable too.I have tried so many different self help programs and haveseen the quality of my life slowly improve over the last 10years. I now live in a flat in the most expensive boroughin London, England, with my beautiful wife, doing work Ienjoy for my own business. I'm not going to pretend it'sbeen easy. I now regularly win awards for excellence in myfield. I am generally happier, barely worry and feel veryconfident most of the time. I am also set to embark on anadventure working in an entirely different field!So what? You may well ask. Well, I have tried an awful lotof financial improvement programs, and I reckon that the"Financial Abundance Now!" program - http://www.thinkrightnow.com/audios/audioabundance.htmis up there with the best. It's packed with common sense thinking patterns. I started using it maybe a year ago. The changes have been subtle, but add them up over a year and now I am making a darn sight more than I was a year ago, and I feel this is just the beginning. Now, the thoughts occur naturally, like they are common to me... which they are now, of course! This month alone, I have made over £6,000, compared to living on benefits just a few months ago. It's been a struggle, but it seems to be getting simpler and easier now. I am able to support my wife, go on holidays, and plan for the things I really want to experience in life.If you are serious about improving your financial situation, this cannot hurt you.Joe Sowrey Think Right Now! International, Inc.P.O. Box 359Syracuse, NY