Chapter 11 of "Today is Your Day to Win"

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This is Chapter 11 of "Today is Your Day to Win" by Mike
Go From Feeling Afraid, Hesitant Or Miserable To Confident,Determined & Happy - In An Instant!Learn more now => Chapter 11 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'=====================================Ask Questions!------------------------------ Today's Empowering Quote------------------------------ "Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by yourown." --Aesop------------------------------ Today's Empowering Question ------------------------------"What additional information do I need to make a wise andinformed decision here?"------------------------------ Today's Fast Session ------------------------------How many of us try like heck to get ALL the appropriateinformation we need before we try to accomplish somethingreally big (or even small things)?A few years ago, I invested some money into something andI didn't bother to tell my accountant about it. I didn'twant him to talk me out of it. Now I'm the first one to admit that accountants don'talways make the best investment counselors. My wife's aCPA, so I'm not picking on them. I just wanted to be a bigboy and make this decision on my own. Big ego, you know.The short story is I lost over $30,000 and a bunch of taxbenefits due to my wanting to feel like a smart guy. Thatwas one big hurt that I keep in mind when I feel likecharging off without consulting my advisors, reading books,doing more research, etc.It doesn't matter how fast you're going if you're going inthe wrong direction, does it?It's embarrassing and costly too when the only thing youcan say is, "But I thought..." No, you didn't.Questions are the answer.If you don't routinely ask yourself questions like today'sempowering question, you'll be sorry soon enough.Most failed pursuits began and flopped because no one hadthe presence of mind to ask, "What could go wrong if I goahead with this action?" Being positive and confident inyour abilities is good. Being uninformed, especially due toego or pride is bad. And potentially VERY costly. Trust me.Keep asking yourself wise questions and learn from other'smistakes AND successes and you'll toast more victories andmourn fewer defeats.************************************************ Today's Empowering Beliefs To Help Control Your Thoughts************************************************If you want to change your life fast, even though it mightseem like it's slow, then take the statements below, putthem on index cards and read them 3 times/day. Morning,noon and just before you close your eyes at night.They'll seep into your consciousness. And since you'll besaying them so often, you'll soon begin to believe them.That's how most beliefs start. Spaced repetition of thought.Your attitudes will then positively change your emotions,and you'll be compelled to do more... And you'll love it.If you own Think Right Now for Windows, - just paste them into the appropriate file or make a new one -AND read them three times per day. Think Right Now For Windows will help put this re-scripting in overdrive.-------------------------------------------------- I always ask the right questions at the right time-- The right answers come to me by asking good questions-- I am guided toward my highest good by the answers to my questions-- I trust my intuitions======================================>Share your growth, forward this chapter to a friend!>Did a friend send this to you? Then get all the chapters sent to you at: Mike,15 years ago, following some naive decisions, I was livingunder a bridge at the age of 19. Then there came adisastrous job after a disastrous relationship. Money (orrather, the lack of) issues really made almost my wholeexperience of life a bitter one. It was a cycle of abjectmisery for the most part, and I don't mind telling you Imade virtually everyone I knew miserable too.I have tried so many different self help programs and haveseen the quality of my life slowly improve over the last 10years. I now live in a flat in the most expensive boroughin London, England, with my beautiful wife, doing work Ienjoy for my own business. I'm not going to pretend it'sbeen easy. I now regularly win awards for excellence in myfield. I am generally happier, barely worry and feel veryconfident most of the time. I am also set to embark on anadventure working in an entirely different field!So what? You may well ask. Well, I have tried an awful lotof financial improvement programs, and I reckon that the"Financial Abundance Now!" program - up there with the best. It's packed with common sense thinking patterns. I started using it maybe a year ago. The changes have been subtle, but add them up over a year and now I am making a darn sight more than I was a year ago, and I feel this is just the beginning. Now, the thoughts occur naturally, like they are common to me... which they are now, of course! This month alone, I have made over £6,000, compared to living on benefits just a few months ago. It's been a struggle, but it seems to be getting simpler and easier now. I am able to support my wife, go on holidays, and plan for the things I really want to experience in life.If you are serious about improving your financial situation, this cannot hurt you.Joe Sowrey Think Right Now! International, Inc.P.O. Box 359Syracuse, NY

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