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This is Chapter 12 of "Today is Your Day to Win" by Mike BresciaYou subscribed:smecom@indo.net.idTo stop getting it, go to the bottom of this email.
Go From Feeling Afraid, Hesitant Or Miserable To Confident,Determined & Happy - In An Instant!Learn more now => http://www.instantinnerpower.com/=====================================Chapter 12 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'=====================================Humor Is Magic ---------------------------------- Today's Empowering Quote----------------------------------"Men will confess to treason, murder, arson, false teeth,or a wig. How many of them will own up to a lack of humor?"--Frank Moore Colby ---------------------------------- Today's Empowering Question----------------------------------"How many things can I notice today that are truly funny?" ---------------------------------- Today's Fast Session---------------------------------- It probably goes without saying but humor is in the eye ofthe beholder. Not everything is funny to all people.But...Why are so many people (you and I included) so seriousabout so many things? ... all the time?Lighten up!My wife tells me regularly that aside from my incrediblewit and stunning good looks, it's my sense of humor thatthat made her love me. She is one smooooooth talker!By taking ourselves too seriously, at any time, weliterally close off parts of our brain so that it can onlyproduce chemicals in our bodies that make us feel bad. Ifsomeone has teased, laughed at, or talked badly about you,you have choices about how to act.It may not SEEM like you have choices, because youremotions are probably on autopilot most of the time. Stimulus -> Response. No pause, just instantly think the worst, the chemicalssurge and' Bingo! - Irrational reaction.What happened to Evolution? :-)Our mental programming has been made up not only of thewords you hear. Your emotions, prejudices, andsurroundings get mixed into the soup, too. Your moods -your states of mind - are a HUGE factor. If someone was laughing at you for doing somethingridiculous, and you were in a playful mood... let's sayyou've had a fairly good day, then you would be prettylikely to brush it off and maybe join in the laughter.But if you had a particularly tough day and your moodwasn't so good (or if you've already been too self-centeredfor too long), that same laughter could feel likeridicule... and your reaction could be vastly different,couldn't it?It's these kinds of patterns over a lifetime that makepeople stuffy, no fun, vengeful and even suicidal. [Remember Columbine?]Or...These situations could be "used" to develop your sense ofhumor, and take your life in a completely differentdirection. Humor is a big factor in everyone's life. Really big...And your habitual moods play a giant role in what youconsider to be funny or stupid... harmless or cruel...interesting or frightening.Want to help yourself develop that sense of humor that canbe so critical in making your moods supportive of your biglife goals? Then take the statements below, put them on index cardsand read them three times per day. Morning, noon and justbefore you close your eyes at night.************************************************ Today's Empowering Beliefs To Help Control Your Thoughts************************************************If you want to change your life fast, even though it mightseem like it's slow, then take the statements below, putthem on index cards and read them 3 times/day. Morning,noon and just before you close your eyes at night.They'll seep into your consciousness. And since you'll besaying them so often, you'll soon begin to believe them.That's how most beliefs start. Spaced repetition of thought.Your attitudes will then positively change your emotions,and you'll be compelled to do more... And you'll love it.If you own Think Right Now for Windows, - http://www.thinkrightnow.com/trnwindows.htm just paste them into the appropriate file or make a new one -AND read them three times per day. Think Right Now For Windows will help put this re-scripting in overdrive.-------------------------------------------------- It's easy for me to see the humor in each situation-- I smile at people I meet and they smile back-- My moods are even regardless of what is happening around me======================================>Share your growth, forward this chapter to a friend!>Did a friend send this to you? Then get all the chapters sent to you at: http://www.todayisyourdaytowin.com/ ======================================Dear Mike,I purchased your "Infinite Joy Now" program - http://www.thinkrightnow.com/audios/audioinfinitejoy.htmtwo months ago. I found myself extremely unhappy about going back to work after maternity leave. I had my second baby and I never expected the emotions I would go through once again when it came time to return to work. After three months off, you can imagine the attachment you form with a child this tiny and to hand him over for someone else to "raise" is the hardest thing a mother could ever do. He also is a breastfed baby so it made it even harder on both of us and the separation anxiety he was going through made me very upset. With guilt, I dropped a day at work to be with my baby more. I felt really torn to walk away from my job for an extra day and become part time when we have financial responsibilities, so you can imagine with the post-partum setting in and all my emotions I was exhausted at the end of the day and sleeping early every night. I bought your "Infinite Joy Now" program and after a fewmonths of listening every night, I find myself happy whereI am at. I get to be home most of the time with my baby and still work part time and I know I am where I need to be for the time. I still am listening and plan on purchasing more of your programs. I was very skeptical, especially not having much time toeven listen to the cds. However, I am now very pleased.Thank you for helping me see things from a different view.Cheryl, MIThink Right Now! International, Inc.P.O. Box 359Syracuse, NY
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