The old cliché "Success leaves clues" is possibly the mostignored pathway to achievement I know of.Why?In addition to not wanting to look unknowledgeable, Ithink, a big reason is because getting advice and answersoften either costs money, which people don't want toinvest, or time, which even fewer want to invest. I say invest because whenever you "spend" time or money onlearning, you've given yourself the chance to grow andbecome better now and in the future at whatever youinvested your time or money in. And if you are better atsomething as a result of your "spending" then you've made awise "investment."The average person jumps head first into most situationswithout knowing a thing about what they're doing.A great example of this is a story my uncle Dave told methis past weekend.You see, he and a friend took a fishing trip to Canada afew weeks ago. Every guest in the lodge they were stayingin was there for the same reason... great fishing. Most of the guys there were fairly experienced fisherman. And that was their biggest problem.They were just going to go up there and catch more fishthan they ever did before. Man, those fish were just goingto jump in the boat. We'll just drop our line in and pullout the fish.Right.My uncle and his friend, also very experienced fishermen,took a slightly different view.They'd never fished that area before. So, for $150 [$75 apiece], they hired a guide for thefirst two entire days of their trip. What they got was the experience of a 71-year-old manwho'd been fishing in that area his entire life. He was anexpert in that area. He showed them which lakes, where oneach lake to fish, why, which lures, you name it.Their results?Well, consider this...In a virtual fishing paradise, one guest in the lodge thatweek caught just 6 fish all week long.My uncle, with the advice of the guide, caught 294Walleyed Pike during the same week fishing the samelakes... more than any of the other guests.He told everyone about the guide. So did anyone else hire a guide that week? Nope. He toldme that no one even asked him what he was doing to catch somuch. I guess they all just thought he was getting lucky. Big egos.This is a perfect parallel to how 97+% of all people treatall aspects of their lives.I see it every day. Everywhere. In all settings. Obvious solutions to problems are just ignored.If you want to reach an important goal in your life, ifyou want to beat your competitors, if you want to havegreat relationships...If you want to excel at everything you do....Then you absolutely MUST get direction from someonewho's been there before, wherever "there" might be. Buy books and read them.Ask experienced people for solutions and listen. You might have already known 90% of the answer. So whatyou have to listen for and hold dear is the 10% you didn'tknow.And use it.I love going to and reading the reviews peoplepost for books. So many people give bad reviews because intheir opinion, there was "nothing new." What they don'tsay is that all the "old" stuff, what now is generallyaccepted, they don't even use that.There is nothing wrong with hearing the same old stuff. Because unless you use what you've heard or read, you don'treally "know" it.Most tasks look easy on the outside, and they are... IFyou know what you're doing.I wouldn't even dream, for instance, of trying to putsomething together or learning a new piece of softwarewithout having the instructions at my side. But mostpeople ignore them. And their results show it. Look, you may have an I.Q. in the stratosphere. But ifyou aren't constantly looking to learn what you MUST knowto get your tasks done quickly and effectively in EVERYpart of your life, then you are creating a destiny ofalmost doing a good job, of coming close to findinghappiness but not quite getting there, of being known byeveryone including yourself as undependable. And with thatcomes a poor self-image.My purpose in writing this is for you to become more andmore of a person who is passionate about learning what youMUST learn in order to set and reach the little and bigbenchmarks on the way to your dreams.You just can't do it any other way. This isn't myopinion. It's an immutable principle of life. To denythis is to guarantee a high failure rate at many things youattempt.You don't want that. I know it.So do this...Make a list of your To-Do's for the next week. Look ateach item and ask yourself the question, "Am I really goodat doing this?" If the answer is no, then before youstart, write down all the things you need to know and do toprepare before you start. If you need some information,get it.And get excited. Smile. Laugh. Because when you getthat info, when you learn the thing you didn't know beforeand when you achieve your outcome easier and with more joythan you ever did before, you have expanded your knowledge,your capabilities and your value to yourself and othersfrom that moment on.Whenever you learn something new, no matter how small, youjust taught yourself that you can achieve the largest ofgoals... the most amazing of accomplishments... becausewhat are big accomplishments? Aren't they just many littleones all piled up? It's funny, huh? Success at just about anything is amazingly simple whenyou look behind the curtain. My uncle was a high schooldrop out. He didn't even go for weeks at a time.But when he changed his view about learning, he got hisGED, went to college at night, got his degree andultimately became the highest paid civilian employee inCentral New York in the NYS prison system.In the process, he learned that learning is fun and thatin every single experience he has, there is something hecan take away from it to help him make smarter decisions inthe future... like hiring a fishing guide when no one elsewould.So, how many "fish" are YOU going to catch in the next week?
If you want to change your life fast, even though it mightseem like it's slow, then take the statements below, putthem on index cards and read them 3 times/day. Morning,noon and just before you close your eyes at night.They'll seep into your consciousness. And since you'll besaying them so often, you'll soon begin to believe them.That's how most beliefs start. Spaced repetition of thought.Your attitudes will then positively change your emotions,and you'll be compelled to do more... And you'll love it.
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