Hi Kherisno ! My name is Mike Brescia, the founder and CEO of Think RightNow! International and author of 'Today Is Your Day To Win.'You are receiving this book for fr-ee because you chose to get it within the last couple hours at:- http://www.todayisyourdaytowin.com Below are your first 10 chapters.As promised, you'll get the entire book- all 99 chaptersabsolutely F.REE. With over 80,000 readers around the world, I'm now fairly certain that, cover to cover, it will be one of the most inpiring books you've EVER read in your entire life. =========================================================> Why am I giving this book away for fr=ee? Because mymission is to change people's lives for the better, andthese chapters - or Fast Sessions- have been criticallyimportant tools for tens of thousands of people around theworld in their efforts to positively alter their habitualmental, emotional and physical habits by making tiny littledaily changes over an extended period of time. And ifsomething is made easy, you're many times more likely tosucceed.==> After these first 10 chapters, the new chapters will bedelivered in 5 day stretches after which we'll take 2 days off, just like a standard work week.==> Each chapter will arrive in your inbox at approximatelythe same time each day.==> Each day's Session only takes 3-5 minutes to read, but ifyou pay close attention and reflect on each day's messagethroughout the day and take the small daily actionssuggested, things are soon going to start rockin' for you.You will be more effective and you will have more fun doingeverything you do.Without further ado, here's Chapter 1. Chapters 2-10 follow immediately afterwards.=============================================Chapter 1 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win.'=============================================From The Bench To The Playing Field------------------------------ Today's Empowering Quote------------------------------"I have brought myself by long meditation to theconviction that a human being with a settled purpose mustaccomplish it, and that nothing can resist a will whichwill stake even existence upon its fulfillment." -Benjamin Disraeli------------------------------Today's Empowering Question------------------------------ "What am I willing to give up in order to reach myobjective?"------------------------------Today's Fast Session------------------------------ Since I've had so many requests about how I went from a real bum to being able to write to tens of thousands of friends all over the world, here's the story. It's... interesting.Up until early 1987 I regularly used to beg the gods foran answer to the question of why I couldn't get myself todo what I needed to do to get my simple goals met. Why wasI so lazy and miserable? I was just... a bum.I got fired from countless jobs. I flunked out ofcollege. And then got fired some more.Finally, after reading some very popular books on sellingand motivation over and over......I continued to fail, not making one single solitarythin dime in my commissioned sales job for close to TWOmore years. If it weren't for friends and then my trustyFord Econoline van, I literally would've been living "on"the street.One day, during this period, while sitting in my van, aman walked up and started talking to me. He was brilliant.He went on to tell the story of when he, as an announcer,covered the World Series back in the late 60's. He had allthe names; he knew stats like it was yesterday. His voicewas clearly that of a broadcaster. But the thing that wasmost incredible was......He was pushing a shopping cart, which carried all hisearthly possessions.He was homeless, too. Living on the street. I couldn'tbelieve it.He told me that he just got sick of the daily challenges. One problem after another. He literally became unable tofunction in any capacity. Very quickly he had losteverything. At the end, it was by choice.Sadly, I could identify with THIS guy more than anyone Ihad met in a while. I was very low, but fortunately, Ihadn't quite reached that level......Yet.I did want to get off the "street" and stop being a bum. So I found this great bookstore around Hermosa Beach thathad comfy chairs, and I started spending a lot of timethere. Ultimately, I had gotten very familiar with anumber of self-help change methods, including NLP, self-talk and Accelerated Learning techniques. Like I said, Ihad a lot of time on my hands.I soon came back to Upstate New York, got a menial job andstarted to create my own Superlearning tapes with threecheap, borrowed tape players. Only instead of learning alanguage or factual data at lightning speeds, I figured I'dteach myself new attitudes and instruct myself to do thingsthat sent tremors of fear through me... actions that couldchange me from a loser to someone I'd be proud to be.So from every sales, biography, motivation, NLP and don'tworry, be happy book I could find, I pulled out all thelessons, the beliefs and the attitudes of life's topperformers. I turned them into self-instructions, andrecorded them onto tapes with very specific baroque musicpassages playing in the background.It was quite a setup. I was desperate and willing to doanything. I couldn't be getting fired more from any more$5.00 an hour jobs.In what seemed like just a few days, I began to feeldifferences. In my new job, I started working lots ofhours putting coin-operated TVs together and installingthem. Soon, I was making telephone calls to prospectivecustomers, large travel plazas with big restaurants.These early TV boxes were downright ugly, but I was ableto convince the presidents of nearly every one of thesehuge corporations to let us tear up their nice dining roomsto put these things in. It was wild. I mean, I just gotin a frenzy of conviction before each call.The more I listened to my tapes while I slept, the morefanatical I got about reading and learning. Among myrecorded self-instructions were ones that told me I lovedlearning and that I was the greatest salesman in the world.Ha!! I put in that the more I succeeded, the more successI wanted. Talk about a vicious cycle, huh?Well, soon I had exhausted the company's inventory ofTV's. And since the revenue each one made wasn't thathigh, the company had no money to buy the parts to buildhundreds more. Even though it proved to be a dead end job,it felt good not being fired.So I left to start selling hearing instruments. I justgot scary good. In an industry where 20-25% closing ratioswere typical, I was selling 95%. In just about 4 months,that self-instruction about being the greatest salesman inthe world was eerily coming true... at least in thatindustry. Soon I was going seven days a week. Missing asale was just not an option.I continued to listen to my tapes and develop new ones. Considering where I came from to where I was now, I figuredthat anything was possible. I researched and made tapesfor everything from diet practices to anxiety. I had gonefrom being scared of everything to feeling like I couldn'tfail.I used to use double negatives when I spoke. "I didn't donothing" was a famous line. This drove people around mecrazy. So I researched communication and public speakingand made an accelerated success tape. Whenever I wanted to eliminate a block, get good atsomething, or feel better about myself, I looked for thetop professionals, researched their findings, uncoveredlots of conflicting data, found what made sense and made atape in the accelerated learning format.I've found there wasn't anything that I couldn't literallyinstall into or rip out of my mind. And with the rightthoughts and instructions, you could create an endless loopof success, each good outcome fueling in you the desire tokeep the positive change and to improve even more.In short, that's the early part of the story that leads meto today, getting to talk to you. I hope this answered a few questions and inspired you tobelieve that no matter what you're going through right now,you are truly magnificent. All you have to do is releaseyour blocks and embrace your unlimited potential. There'senormous power within you. It might be buried, but it'sthere.I know, I know. If that seems a little beyond what your belief system currently allows you to accept, I understand.That's OK. Keep reading and repeating your selfinstructions. You'll become a believer soon enough. ------------------------------Today's Winning Beliefs-------------------------------- Every success I achieve fuels in me the desire for more-- I can achieve anything that I can imagine-- I have the ability to visualize every aspect of my success-- My ability is greater than any challenge I could face==============================================What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as thesuper successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimatemental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe outintense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas oflife. FR~EE details==> http://www.thinkrightnow.com FR~EE email course ==> mailto:successcourse@aweber.com ==============================================To order the softcover version of Today Is Your Day To Win,go to: http://www.todayisyourdaytowin.com==============================================Chapter 2 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'==============================================You Are Here To Enrich The World------------------------------Today's Empowering Quote ------------------------------ "You are not here merely to make a living. You are here inorder to enable the world to live more amply, with greatervision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. Youare here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourselfif you forget that errand." - Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States------------------------------Today's Empowering Question ------------------------------ "What can I do to best help the largest number of people?Why should I?"------------------------------Today's Fast Session ------------------------------ A lot of people ask me how I got into such a uniqueprofession, how this form of communication got started, howour products got their start.As we all regularly should, toward the end of 1996, Iasked myself the question, what do I want to do with therest of my life?For me, it wasn't unlike the situation that Tom Hanks'character in the 1999 movie, 'The Green Mile' was faced with.To see the similarity, you need some background:The bulk of the story takes place in 1935, during theDepression, in a southern maximum-security prison. PaulEdgecomb (Tom Hanks) is the head guard on death row... thelast mile.John Coffey is a new prisoner convicted of raping andmurdering two young girls - sisters. He was sentenced todie in the electric chair.The thing is, he was innocent.John wasn't retarded, but if his IQ were measured on astandard test today, it would probably be very low. He wasblack, nearly 7 feet tall, and easily weighed over 300pounds. His muscles had muscles. He was found sitting on a small riverbank with both girlsin his arms, screaming over and over, "I tried, but Icouldn't take it back."So he didn't exactly get a fair trial.But what made the story so incredible was John's specialgift...He had the ability to heal other people. He performedliteral miracles. He would take a person's infection ordisease into his own body and then eliminate it by openinghis mouth, and what looked sort of like black flies wouldfly out by the thousands and dissipate. He even brought amouse, 'Mr. Jingles,' back from the dead.The process completely exhausted him temporarily, but theperson (or mouse) would be completely healed.When he was found with the girls, he was trying to tellpeople that he tried to bring the girls back to life, buthe "couldn't take it back."Learning of John Coffey's gifts, benefiting from thempersonally and witnessing other healings, Paul Edgecombwent into John's cell a couple days before his scheduledexecution and had the following dialog:"John, tell me what you want me to do... you want me totake you out of here... just let you run away and see howfar you can get?"John replied, "Why would you do such a foolish thing?"Paul answered, "On the day of my judgment, when I standbefore God, and he asks me why did I kill one of his truemiracles, what am I going to say? That it was my job?"John answered back, "You tell God, the Father, that it wasa kindness that you done... I know you're hurtin' andworryin'. I can feel it on ya. But you ought to quit onit now. I want it to be over and done with. I do. I'mtired, boss. I'm tired of bein' on the road, lonely as asparrow in the rain. I'm tired of not having anybody to bewith to tell me where we's goin' to, comin' from or why."He continued, "Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly toeach other. I'm tired of all the pain I'm feeling in theworld. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glassin my head all the time. Can you understand?"Paul could do nothing to change this.So it was done... and he had to live with the execution ofJohn Coffey for the rest of his life.I felt that I was faced with a similar question.A decade after I created the first audiotapes that changedme and changed what I was able to manifest in my life, Iultimately recognized it as a tool that could potentiallyhelp millions change their destinies in so many ways.So ten years after my own metamorphosis, the work began.And 6 years later, thinkrightnow.com is the most popularself-help product site on the planet.Why?Because the products work. In working with people all over the world, I believe morefirmly than ever in the ability in each of us to create thelives we want and enrich the world in the process, asPresident Wilson said.John Coffey quit. Circumstances made it nearly impossiblefor his life to improve or for him to use his gifts to helpthose who needed them the most.But that isn't you. And that isn't me. You may hide fromyour choices, seeing them as something scary, but theydon't have to be. Practically all your daily decisions canhave tremendous power to transform you and your life intosomething truly spectacular. There are millions of peoplealive who are living dream lives...You can be one of them, no matter how old or young you are.My purpose now is to empower others so that they cancreate a continual process of growth in the world. It'sworking.Remember, everything you do will ring in eternity. Whenyou have a bad day, it could affect people for manycenturies to come.So you owe it not only to yourself, but also to the futureof your family, your friends and the entire human race togrow and share all your gifts.Maybe your gifts and skills are modest, but to hide them,to not develop and share them, whatever they are would be agreat tragedy.Six years ago, I wondered how I could live with myself ifI didn't do what I knew would improve the lives of so many.I knew I couldn't.Take time to reflect today and every day on what your lifecould mean expanded out over the decades and centuries.No matter how much or how little time on earth you haveleft, you can be a great contributor and potentially acatalyst for positive change around you... and thus aroundthe world, possibly for centuries to come.So when you are ever tempted to feel bored or uninspired,chew on that for a while. It should get your juices flowing.------------------------------Today's Winning Beliefs-------------------------------- I'm making the most of my life now and every day.-- I am committed to living my life with passion-- I'm using my unique gifts to enrich myself and others-- I'm making myself worth more each and every day-- I believe in the future of the human race-- I bring out the best in others==============================================What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as thesuper successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimatemental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe outintense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas oflife. FR~EE details==> http://www.thinkrightnow.com FR~EE email course ==> mailto:successcourse@aweber.com ==============================================To order the softcover version of Today Is Your Day To Win,go to: http://www.todayisyourdaytowin.com============================================== Chapter 3 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'==============================================Success Is Simple ------------------------------ Today's Empowering Quote ------------------------------"The mind is like the stomach. It is not how much you putinto it that counts, but how much it digests." --A.J. Nock------------------------------ Today's Empowering Question ------------------------------"What can I do to ensure that this will stick in my mind?" ------------------------------ Today's Fast Session ------------------------------As statistics show, most of what is written in the world'sgreatest self-help and how-to books goes unread by thebuyers. And the material that is read is typically not used.Most people just aren't self-disciplined enough to take abit, study it, master it then move on to the next level. That's why universities are so valuable and so expensive...they do it right.They give you a little bit, test you and then give yousome more - building on your knowledge after you've learnedthe easier stuff.That's why these letters always end with some affirmationsso that you can have something to use to program your mind.That's also why books like 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' havehelped so many millions, because, as I counseled people asthey bought those books from my store, the stories aremeant to be read one per day...Just enough to be not too fast. Any more than that andthe lesson in the story is missed, being plowed over by thenext one.These sessions are meant to be read the same way... ...Just one a day.That is the best way to get the most out of them. Benjamin Franklin, one of the world's greatest scholars,politicians and inventors, made a list of 13 virtues thathe valued but did not possess. What Ben did was work ononly one virtue at a time, noting when he messed up, andwhen he succeeded in using the virtue. He made turninghimself into a person who possessed that virtue his missionand did not worry about any of the other 12 until he hadmastered the first one. Ultimately, he conquered them all. And he will forever be remembered as one of the greatestmen who ever lived. Man, this is simple! And so sad... ...Because so many people go to their graves neverconquering even one of their major hurdles in life,settling for mediocrity.Let me ask you, was Ben Franklin's growth plan socomplicated that you or... well, practically anyone elsecouldn't use it? Couldn't even someone with no common sense or potentialfor any more than pushing a broom eight hours a day goafter just one goal at a time with passion?Success isn't complicated, is it?The average person wants to believe it is so that theirfailures can be explained away, their weaknesses can behidden and their poor decisions justified.As you read through the rest of these sessions, keep inmind how simple it is to follow them and easy it is to usethem to achieve massive success and peace of mind.Not one thing you'll be asked to do is beyond your abilityto do it. Practically anything you desire is within yourgrasp. Just look at the individual tasks and go to it, one tinystep at a time.------------------------------Today's Winning Beliefs-------------------------------- I work on one area of my life at a time-- I master easy jobs before I move on to harder things-- I am a fast learner-- Mastery and I are one==============================================What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as thesuper successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimatemental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe outintense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas oflife. FR~EE details==> http://www.thinkrightnow.com FR~EE email course ==> mailto:successcourse@aweber.com ==============================================To order the softcover version of Today Is Your Day To Win,go to: http://www.todayisyourdaytowin.com==============================================Chapter 4 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'==============================================What's Love Got To Do With It?------------------------------ Today's Empowering Quote ------------------------------ "Praise is well, compliment is well, but affection-that isthe last and most precious reward that any man can win,whether by character or achievement." --Mark Twain------------------------------ Today's Empowering Question------------------------------ "What do I love about _____(name of person)?" ------------------------------ Today's Fast Session ------------------------------ When I train a sales person, the first thing I try to findout about them is how they view their customers and otherpeople in general. Pretty quickly I can tell with goodaccuracy if they're going to make it or not. My first lesson always starts with love.You can't sell effectively, whether it's a product or anidea, if you hold contempt and dislike for other people, orsimply if your own best interests come first. In fact,it's difficult to get through each day without abundantfeelings of love or just sincerely good opinions aboutother people flowing through your veins.When I started in the sales world, I failed for a fewYEARS. I just wanted to make money-it was all aboutmyself. Well, that must've come through in my voice andactions, because I couldn't give my products away. But I read a book, "The Greatest Salesman in the World,"and it helped to change my life. That was my introductionto affirmations. The first scroll, which was to be readthree times/day for a month was about "greeting this daywith love in my heart." My sales went crazy!I began looking at everyone as a friend, not as apaycheck. I changed every view I had about other people. And they responded...Not just in sales, but in all areas. Where I had enemies,they became friends. Where I was laughed at, I was admired.To give you just the tiniest of glimpses of what OgMandino writes and what I read, one passage reads..."...And how will I speak? I will laud my enemies and theywill become friends; I will encourage my friends and theywill become brothers. Always will I look for reasons toapplaud; never will I scratch for excuses to gossip. WhenI am tempted to criticize, I will bite my tongue; when I ammoved to praise, I will shout from the roofs.Toward the end of that scroll it is affirmed..."... If I have no other qualities, I can succeed with lovealone. Without it I will fail though I possess all theknowledge and skills in the world."Imagine soaking your consciousness with that and manyother thoughts like it three times a day for 30 straightdays.Think about this...Who do you buy products and ideas from? Those you trustand love (or like), right? Most people are more likely tolisten to their cousin about a stock tip over a 40-yearstock-investing guru, if they don't know him or her.That's what familiarity and trust does.When you look at someone for the first time, do you lookfor things to judge, criticize or distrust; or do you seethings you can admire, compliment and feel good about?No matter what, you'll find what you're looking for...If you habitually look for bad, you'll find it--even ifyou have to manufacture it.But when you train yourself to unconsciously look forgood, you'll find that, too.Deep in your heart, you know I'm right. You know it. But in your daily actions, it's difficult to implement it.That's why Og Mandino's books always ended with scrolls,vows or success memorandums that had to be read every day. Og understood that his teachings would not benefit anyoneif they were read once and put on the bookshelf to beforgotten.The unseen power of love will escape you if you just readthis and say, "Wow, that's right. I'm going to do it." You've got to install this and any other empoweringbeliefs in your mind daily if they're to make a dent inthose habits of yours so they can start affecting yourfeelings and actions. Get this in your head and you will be miles ahead of whereyou were this morning. Condition your mind with positive empowering new beliefsand success producing attitudes, and your destiny willchange.------------------------------Today's Winning Beliefs-------------------------------- I've dissolved the criticism habit-- I look for the good in others and they respond to me-- I love other people and they love me back-- I greet this day with love in my heart-- I look for things to like in others and I find them-- My love is creating opportunities for me today==============================================What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as thesuper successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimatemental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe outintense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas oflife. FR~EE details==> http://www.thinkrightnow.com FR~EE email course ==> mailto:successcourse@aweber.com ==============================================To order the softcover version of Today Is Your Day To Win,go to: http://www.todayisyourdaytowin.com==============================================Chapter 5 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'==============================================What Are Your Aspirations? ------------------------------ Today's Empowering Quote ------------------------------ "There is no shame in having fallen. Nor any shame inbeing born into a lowly estate. There is only shame in notstruggling to rise. And also shame for not wishing toattain the better. Or not dreaming about it and prayingfor it." --Samuel Amalu------------------------------ Today's Empowering Question------------------------------ "How did those people get there? How did they become thatway? Was everything given to them, was it genetics, or aloving mother? Or was it planning and dedication that gotthem to where they are, to be who they are?" ------------------------------ Today's Fast Session ------------------------------The people who have a number of possessions or "status"that didn't earn it are known as being "born with a silverspoon in their mouth"... or state l*ttery winners.But statistics reveal that the average rich person thatdoesn't have to work for what they get doesn't know how tokeep it, or anything else in their lives - and becomes thetype that just can't make anything work. They get trained to live their lives with their hands outto Mommy and Daddy. If that sounds a bit hard to believe,read 'The Millionaire Next Door.'Whether you're wealthy or not, giving your kids everythingcreates social and financial cripples.Most follow-up research on L*ttery winners shows the samething. Within a short time, it's all gone. They didn'tEARN it, never learned responsibility with money, sothey're helpless against every expensive temptation thereis. So even if you win, you lose.My possibly unpopular opinion is this: Stop blowing yourmoney on l*ttery tickets. Figure out how much you spend onthem and that expensive daily gourmet cappuccino, and putexactly that much in a money market fund every week or twoand become rich the proven way - slowly. Surely. But howdo you start to get the discipline to be able to dosomething like that? To achieve any worthwhile objective?Goals.The average person has no long-term goals. And the wordcreates a lot of confusion.Most think a goal is a goal when it's something like: Youwant to be rich; want a screen star body; win a gold medal;get an advanced college degree; in short, to desiresomething really huge.The trouble with big goals is not that you're dreaming outof your league--it's that very few set goals in such a waythat they ever get accomplished. Like everything, there'sright and wrong ways to do it. You can buy books, and goto seminars to learn how. I did. But honestly, it boilsdown to a few simple steps and some things you can do toensure that you'll stick it out and be there at the endwith your hands raised high.The first mistake everyone usually makes is gettingexcited about having something - prompted by an externalsource, a commercial maybe. Wrong way to start.I know I sound like a broken record, but setting andachieving goals is not REALLY about what you get as much asit is what you become during the process of attaining yourgoal. When you ARE more, you'll get more automatically nowand in the future. A natural by-product.What you need to do first is look at an area of your lifethat's causing you some trouble. You are in pain about it.Emotional, physical, whatever.Choose an area that gives you a big one of these "pains." I mean, why go after something you really don't want badly,right? Getting rid of a gnawing pain that you've had for awhile is a great way. Getting rid of the fabricated painthat a commercial stirred up and then proposed to cure isoften the wrong way... The "I'm a sheep" way. Baaaaa!Take your pain and look at it. What does it cost you tohave the problem or lack? Write down the physical costs,emotional, mental, social, spiritual, financial. Spread itout for 1, 2, 5 and 20 years. Feel it. Get by yourselfand do this, because you just might need a few tissuesduring this process. Take your time. It's been a long time that you haven't had this "goal" soa little time spent doing this is an investment. Trust me.This will give you determination you didn't think you had.Let me tell you. You have it... You just have to find this pain and then keep it handy.When you have that, you'll have a base for the setting ofa goal - a goal that inspires you to keep going... to reachdown deep.Do this exercise and you'll begin to see the power ofstarting out intelligently instead of letting otherscontrol your goals for you.------------------------------Today's Winning Beliefs-------------------------------- I set goals based on my real needs and desires-- Today I'm setting my sights on defining what I want-- I'm willing to put the effort in to achieve my goals-- I enjoy the process of setting and reaching worthwhile goals-- I set goals the right way==============================================What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as thesuper successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimatemental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe outintense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas oflife. FR~EE details==> http://www.thinkrightnow.com FR~EE email course ==> mailto:successcourse@aweber.com ==============================================To order the softcover version of Today Is Your Day To Win,go to: http://www.todayisyourdaytowin.com==============================================Chapter 6 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'==============================================Those Who Know Are Where To Go------------------------------ Today's Empowering Quote ------------------------------ "Listen to everything a man has to say about what heknows, but don't let him advise you about what he doesn'tknow. And usually he doesn't know too much about what'sbest for you." -Barney Balaban------------------------------ Today's Empowering Question ------------------------------ "Whose advice have I been listening to? Has it helped? Where can I get the most helpful information and feedback?" ------------------------------Today's Fast Session------------------------------Doesn't it seem like everywhere you turn someone iswilling to tell you how to get rid of your problems...whether they know what they're talking about or not? Thedanger is when you start to listen to it. You'll usuallyfind that your advisor/critics rarely, if ever, followtheir own advice. I was recently watching the NY Yankees play the NY Mets,when a commercial came on that starred Mike Piazza, thecatcher for the Mets. He's having a rough season so far. In the commercial, here's Mike standing on the street. Aguy in a truck asks Mike, "How deep is right field?" Mikesays, "About 330 feet." Then the guy asks, "How deep iscenter field?" Mike says, "About 410 feet." So the guysays to Mike, "Hit it to right field!"The game announcers remarked that those kinds ofinteractions happen all the time between players and fans.Here's an important question: Who are you listening to?Do you take advice and criticism from people who have nobusiness giving it out? Is it usually helpful?Now don't get me wrong. Criticism delivered properly ishealthy, course correcting feedback... if you seek to learn.Too often though, critics have other agendas. And theycouldn't take their own advice if their lives depended onit.The problem with hearing unwanted or unwarranted criticismis that it often isn't put in a constructive way, soinstead of getting, "You know I read that walking just 20-30 minutes a day can help you lose x # of pounds. Have youtried that?" you usually hear, "You are fat. You betterstart exercising."This from a person who probably only puts on a pair ofsweat pants to sleep in.Here are a few bad examples of well meaning butpotentially costly advice.-You should get into XYZ stock. It's been climbing for ayear. -I take Supercalifragilistic weight loss pills and I lost13 pounds. You ought to try it, too. A doctor made it.-I quit smoking cold turkey. That's the only way thatworks.-Don't let it get to you. What you need is a drink.-Vegetarian? How do you get protein? You have to eat meat.When I was failing at selling, everyone had advice. Thetrouble was, the people giving it were the furthest thingfrom professionals.So in addition to reading books, listening to tapes andgoing to seminars, I set up an evaluation system that toldme with absolute accuracy if I was doing a good job thatday.I graded my performance each day on about 30 differentfactors. Everything from number of calls, how I greetedsomeone, my facial expressions, question structure,listening with empathy, concern for their problems insteadof mine, answering questions, building value, etc. It wasan extremely thorough, honest assessment.After each appointment, I pulled out my sheet and filledin the grades for each factor. It took 1-2 minutes, andwas brutally honest at telling me where I needed toimprove. Many salespeople who knew me asked me how Iturned it all around so fast. I didn't offer it. Theyasked first. When I'd tell them what I did, they couldn'tbelieve something so simple could work so well.And every single one of those salespeople continued ontheir mediocre ways. Many left the sales profession alltogether.Imagine that. They had a world record holder willing toshare a critical idea, yet they continued listening totheir equally inept co-workers instead. Very few peoplewant constructive criticism, even if it's just fromthemselves.So I have two tiny little suggestions...One, don't give advice. People don't want it. They don'tuse it. And they'll get sick of hearing it. If you must,be a sounding board instead. When people hear themselvesout loud, they often get the answer they were looking forwithout outside advice. It's hard enough to changeyourself. Changing others is fifty times more difficult.And two, don't let critics ruin your mood. Not even for aminute. If someone comes along and gives you their twocents and you find yourself feeling powerless, make amental note, "This is what I get when I let just anyonemess with my esteem and confidence."Listen to yourself and to people who have overcome thesame challenges that you're working on. That's it. Talkto people about your challenges, but unless they'veovercome the same thing, be careful about taking theirsuggestions. It could be very costly to your emotional, physical andfinancial health.------------------------------Today's Winning Beliefs-------------------------------- I seek out advice from the appropriate places-- I check out all options when I make important decisions-- I'm good at evaluating the value of advice-- I'm in solid control of my own self-esteem-- I am honest with myself in areas that need improvement==============================================What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as thesuper successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimatemental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe outintense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas oflife. FR~EE details==> http://www.thinkrightnow.com FR~EE email course ==> mailto:successcourse@aweber.com ==============================================To order the softcover version of Today Is Your Day To Win,go to: http://www.todayisyourdaytowin.com==============================================Chapter 7 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'==============================================Develop Your Talents ------------------------------ Today's Empowering Quote ------------------------------'All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us shouldhave an equal opportunity to develop our talents.' -John F. Kennedy------------------------------ Today's Empowering Question ------------------------------ How much more work would it be to do this task as well asI can versus as quickly as I can? What value would it be tome to do it as well as I can?------------------------------ Today's Fast Session ------------------------------ In our back yard, about 15 feet from the house is a large,gorgeous maple tree.In the summer, it's home to a number of birds.Last year, at the end of a long branch, which extends towithin 7 feet of our upstairs bathroom window, some robinsbuilt a nest where they lived all summer until the weathergot too cold.Both our cats just lay in the windowsill for hours allsummer watching the birds come and go less than 7 feet fromtheir window perch.Now keep in mind that this winter was absolutely brutal.14 feet of snow. The wind that blew like no winter that Ican ever recall. Never as often and as hard as this year,it seemed. It was just miserable from mid October untilApril.Yet this bird's nest, sitting on a long branch wide opento the chilling, hammering winds and cold that snapselectrical wires like tooth picks, stayed right there.Every day, I'd look out at this nest and there it was,gripping that branch...And I've got to believe that the robins that built thenest were no smarter or more skilled in nest building thanany of the robins in my neighbors' trees.They simply didn't want their home to fall apart no matterwhat. So they build it to withstand the worst possibleconditions.No short cuts.No excuses.Tell me, what if you were to take every little task you dotoday, and do your absolute best?What if you were to mow the lawn as well as you could today?What if you gave your all to every customer or prospectivecustomer?How much more effort would it take to be the best husband,wife or significant other than you normally put in?What would it really take to avoid eating beyond beingcomfortably full?To finish your homework and then study for another 30minutes for good measure?You know, the difference between failure, moderatesuccess, an OK marriage, an undistinguished career and araging success in any one of those areas is usuallyminiscule.It's not that much more work.Often it's hardly any real effort at all.Every single day I get emails from people who have givenup hope of ever being really happy and satisfied in life. "I'm beyond help." "I'm happy that you're doing this workfor other people... Too bad it can't help me."They read the emails. They may even buy the tapes, andeither don't listen to them as prescribed, or when changesdo begin either with positive progress or with negativetension created by the rapid changes happening, they quitbecause the change is uncomfortable at first."Whoa! That's not me! Who am I kidding? Better slow down."The bottom line is, change is always wanted on some levelbut hardly ever completely enjoyable at first.If there is one thing that you MUST beat into your headevery day like a mantra is that success at anything issimple.GOD, it's so simple!It's just a matter of repetition of little thoughts andlittle actions.For example, to allow yourself to do shoddy work once andthen again is to create momentum. A third time is like anavalanche...Hard to stop it. The fourth time is virtually guaranteed.When the brownies or chips and soda make it into theshopping cart every week, that's it.Run past that aisle. Achieve a little success. Get alittle momentum going the other way.When the sitcom wins out consistently over the homework orbaseball practice in the back yard, then you are creating arotten habit, which develops a character.Done long enough, and that becomes who you are...But thank God that with just a little effort we can changethose things by making only slight direction changes.The nest in my back yard is now housing a new family ofrobins who didn't have to do a thing. They just moved in.All the work was done already. They just hung a fewpictures, threw out a "Welcome" mat and called it home.And once you change the momentum of any downward slide youmay be in, it's deceptively simple to stop the slide, makea few right decisions and your entire destiny can change.If I was to get in my truck right now and drive due westfor just four days, I'd be in North Bend, Oregon.But if I was pointing only about 5 degrees to the south,in the same four days I'd end up in Los Angeles,California... about 960 miles away.Now hold your thumb and fore finger about an eighth of aninch apart.Go ahead. Do it.You see, most of the time the difference between horrible,devastating failure and massive, glorious success is onlythat far apart.In the next four days, will you have chosen to stay oncourse?Keep reminding yourself of how important each hour andeach decision is. Do that every hour today, and Iguarantee that no matter what doesn't go right, you won'tbe too terribly bothered by it.Isn't THAT the direction you wanted to go in today?------------------------------Today's Winning Beliefs-------------------------------- I'm keeping on course today-- Today is my day to succeed-- I'm making all the right decisions now-- I enjoy each of my victories no matter how small-- I'm doing things right the first time today==============================================What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as thesuper successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimatemental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe outintense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas oflife. FR~EE details==> http://www.thinkrightnow.com FR~EE email course ==> mailto:successcourse@aweber.com ==============================================To order the softcover version of Today Is Your Day To Win,go to: http://www.todayisyourdaytowin.com==============================================Chapter 8 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'==============================================Love Makes The World Go Round------------------------------ Today's Empowering Quote------------------------------ "All you need is love." -John Lennon/Paul McCartney------------------------------ Today's Empowering Question------------------------------ "How would it feel to do something special for (name aperson) who can't or won't do anything in return?"------------------------------ Today's Fast Session------------------------------We've all experienced what it feels like to help someonewho needed it, haven't we? It feels great.When I say someone who needed it, it's easy to picturevictims of tragedies, accidents or those who are ill.But the truth is...We all have needs. Little ones and big ones. Every day.And if we only give of ourselves, whether it be time,money or good feelings and a smile ONLY when those we aregiving to are dying, mourning or destitute, then a coupledynamics start and/or continue.One is that the world you live in, your community and yourimmediate environment becomes or stays one of individualswho are only looking out for themselves. A perfect exampleis what happens with most teenagers who are now spreadingtheir wings and getting new privileges never beforeenjoyed. Feelings of "I don't have to..." and "You can'tmake me..." are devastating to every facet of society,including the person carrying these beliefs.Being only or primarily "self-centered" is what makespeople take things that aren't theirs. It causes hazingover or "forgetting" the truth even though there arecertain bad consequences to others. This sick mentality ofhiding the truth to escape a potential punishment isfacilitated in our homes, our schools and in our jobs. When honesty is only offered up when it won't hurt, thenthere is no learning, no growing and we ALL get hurt by it.I'm convinced that honesty and compassion may be the mostimportant virtues that a person could possess.The knowledge that, "We got away with that one!" doesn'thelp-it hurts.It teaches us to look for short-cuts to the reward bycheating.It prevents us from doing something nice for someone else"just because." It makes us believe that "winning" and"getting mine" are the only things that count.Legendary coach John Wooden's philosophy is that doing ourbest is the most important thing. And because that was thegoal, not winning, his UCLA basketball teams did win 10national championships in 12 years.What's this got to do with "All you need is love"?-Love is doing what's best for all.-Love is believing that you get more by giving more, nothoarding what little you've got.-Love is knowing that you've got incredible talents (youdo!) and using them for a larger good.-Love is seeing the good in others and helping it shine.-Love is feeling the fear and doing it anyway.-Love is continuing to learn and compassionately helpingothers to learn, too.In the weeks that have followed since September 11th,we've all seen what love is.Here's the challenge... Keep it in mind always. Everytime we:-Cheat and try to find justification-Lie to protect ourselves or others-Yell insults to others in the name of "just being honest"-Ignore someone who needs assistance...every time we do these things, we teach ourselves to doit again. We teach those around us to do them.And we become something we despise in others.It's awfully hard to have high self-esteem and feel worthyof success then, isn't it? It's not hard to wonder whymost people don't achieve more in life, huh? We don'tthink we're worth it. Not after all we've done "to" othersinstead of "for" others.We've all got it in us. I've seen it. You've seen it. But we only occasionally show brief glimmers of it.Show more today.Do your best. Help someone before they ask. Tell thetruth. Teach what you know. Earn your rewards and you'llget more than you think.Just give it a try.Don't worry about what reactions you do or don't get fromanyone else. The most important thing is that YOU knowyou're doing right and showing love in all that you do.Give all your passion in everything you do today and I'llbet you'll sleep better tonight than you have in a long,long time.------------------------------Today's Winning Beliefs-------------------------------- I have unlimited capacity to love-- I am a shining example of love in action-- Love is growing and expanding in my life-- Others are naturally drawn to me-- I am worthy of love and praise==============================================What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as thesuper successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimatemental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe outintense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas oflife. FR~EE details==> http://www.thinkrightnow.com FR~EE email course ==> mailto:successcourse@aweber.com ==============================================To order the softcover version of Today Is Your Day To Win,go to: http://www.todayisyourdaytowin.com==============================================Chapter 9 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'==============================================Good Things Will Come To Me When I...------------------------------ Today's Empowering Quote ------------------------------ "The best preparation for good work tomorrow is good worktoday." --Elbert Hubbard------------------------------ Today's Empowering Question ------------------------------ "What can I do now that will prepare me for tomorrow?" ------------------------------ Today's Fast Session ------------------------------ Often the most frustrating thing that any of us feel on aregular basis is to want something really bad, and not beable to get it right away. Yes, it's frustrating. But it's usually not realistic, isit?The challenge that we face is that advertisers want us toget motivated to buy their products immediately. But ifyou have limitations of one sort or another, like... youdon't have a space to park a 50 foot yacht, or simply nomoney, then you're not going to be able to buy this thing. And it's not just products, is it? Many people see someoneelse with some personal trait or a job they want and theyget jealous.They want it, too... NOW!It's getting so that it's increasingly rare to find peoplewho are truly willing to put in the requisite timenecessary to get the traits or items they want. Our worldtoday is trying to teach us that we must get what we wantimmediately; that it's our right. And that's why so manyof us are jealous, smoke or drink, are overweight, usedrugs, etc. Listen up.It's your right, all right. It's your right to have the same opportunity to work forwhat you want. You have to sacrifice to reach your dreamsjust like every other person who ever lived, who reachedthe same kinds of ambitions.Today MUST be the day that puts you on, or keeps you on,the road to attaining what you want. Remember, God helpsthose who help themselves.Many days don't afford us the time to push certain thingsforward, it's true. For example, if you're traveling andyou use that as an excuse to not eat right and to notexercise, then you probably won't do it even when it's moreconvenient.Life is NOT like school. In school, you can trick yourself into thinking you'redoing great if you cram for exams and get decent scores. It is possible to get fairly good grades for a while thatway.But you don't learn it. You're likely to just remember ituntil the exam is over... maybe.That's why new college graduates often find it difficultto find a decent paying job. Companies like successfulwork experience. In college, you can fool the system andyourself. In the professional world and in most otherareas of life, it's a lot tougher. Almost impossible.Real life is truly like a farm. On the farm, you must move the rocks, buy seeds and allthe other stuff, plant the seeds, buy and maintain theequipment, pull weeds, keep the pests away, water thecrops, buy and sell the animals, feed them, nurse the sickones back to health, fertilize, etc. And you need to keepup with it all everyday...Or you won't have a crop at the end of the season.Life is like this, too. Just like a farm, you can't"cram" in life. Don't be fooled. Don't believe the liesthat others want you to believe. You want to believe it. I know you do. But think. The people who have the things you want earned them. Anddon't believe they just got lucky. Luck takes work. Put the effort in today and you'll get luckier andluckier. Will it be immediately? Probably not. Beat this into your head... Anything worth having takestime to get it.When I'm tempted to believe that I should have something(before I've earned it), I think of my grandparents. They owned a farm. And I realize that life can be long and that I can't puttomorrow before today. Then I look at my goal, put my shoulder down and keepgoing...With a smile on my face.------------------------------Today's Winning Beliefs-------------------------------- I've dissolved and released all jealousy from my heart-- I receive all my rewards at the appropriate times-- I'm at peace with my responsibilities-- I'm preparing myself for tomorrow today==============================================What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as thesuper successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimatemental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe outintense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas oflife. FR~EE details==> http://www.thinkrightnow.com FR~EE email course ==> mailto:successcourse@aweber.com ==============================================To order the softcover version of Today Is Your Day To Win,go to: http://www.todayisyourdaytowin.com==============================================Chapter 10 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'==============================================What's Gratitude Worth?------------------------------ Today's Empowering Quote ------------------------------"I was complaining that I had no shoes till I met a manwho had no feet." -Confucius ------------------------------ Today's Fast Session ------------------------------Alright! Let's go!Let's take stock of ourselves, shall we?What do we have? Legs? I wouldn't take any amount ofmoney for mine. How about you?How about your arms? Would you sell them? Your eyes? Would you take even a million dollars for them? Well thencertainly your brain. After all those times that youcursed it for forgetting something and called yourself astupid you-know-what? Would you take a million for it?Didn't think so. Did you know that scientists and doctors have studied manythousands of people under hypnosis and have found that wehave virtually perfect memories? People who have hadelectronic stimulation to parts of their brains have shownthe same thing.When stimulated, people have been literally "brought back"to days and moments in their lives and they rememberedevery thought, word, look, step, everything. Just as ifthey were in the moment again. Even 30+ years later. That's astonishing, isn't it? But to get more out of it and yourself on a daily basis,you have to be in the right state of mind. Hypnosis issimply a state of alert relaxation. In that state,photographic memory can occur.Let's make a commitment together. Let's commit to keepinga watchful eye on our states of mind. Every moment. How else can we possibly do the things that we want to dotoday and in our tomorrows?If you say and think those woe-is-me thoughts every secondof the day, you're going to get sub-par or no performanceat all. You're absolutely killing your chances of successand happiness...And with a magnificent brain like yours, that is a tragedy.So write down on a 3x5 card two statements:1- "What is great about right now?"2- "What am I thankful for right now?"Calm down... there's something. You just need to find it.Even if you're an extreme optimist, do this. Tomorrowmight provide you with some challenges that you don'tnormally have and you need weapons, too.What could be good/great? After we come up with ourlaundry list, look at each one and feel it. Is this a made-up list? A fake, a fraud? Well, let me ask you what allthose disempowering worrying thoughts you've had over theyears and decades that didn't amount to anything are? Thetruth? The way it really is?Hey, the truth is what you believe it to be. And Icontend that we should bend our beliefs towards what isUSEFUL-not just the way something seems to be on the surface.What could be great? What could you be grateful for?Oh... nothing?Keep this thought in mind, "And this too shall pass." Life goes on. And there's never a better time to practiceleveling our moods than NOW. This is not a dressrehearsal. Today IS practice for tomorrow.Let's go...Your physical health - tens of thousands didn't wake uptoday.Your significant other - your soul mateYour best friend - your confidantYour boss - many don't even have a boss (or a job) to curseYour co-workers/teammates - can't do it without themYour childrenParents - make up with them. If you don't, ultimately,you'll wish you did.Cousins/Nieces/Nephews/In-lawsYour country - and the freedoms it provides to youHey, stop reading and start writing... yes, that meansyou, too. These are my ideas. What are yours?Your neighborsYour favorite TV showsYour petsThe habit you just gave up, the weight you just lostAny other accomplishment - no matter how smallYour new car/house/clothes/furnitureYour education, degreeYour future prospects/next month/next year (imagining canhelp you feel good now)Your new do /weekly massageYour chance to learn something right now and what it willmean to you in the futureYour chance to rise above the problem and how that willmake you feelAll the people at the end of the phone who are waiting toserve your needsMike Brescia - yeah, me. I'm here for you, too.Wow, you sure have a lot to be in a good mood about. Nowdon't just read this and say, "Hey that's neat. I feelpretty good." You need to do it now...The magic is in the doing.Do you want to feel good today, but not be quickly able toget back here?Nothing lasting will happen unless you get out the pencil,write it down and feel it.And when you have a moment or a day when things aren'tgoing well, remember that your state of mind DICTATES whatyou'll do next and the way you do it. When you need to, just pull out your sheet of paper withall the things you can feel good about, and before you knowit, you will feel better. Maybe not great, but better IS going in the rightdirection... Isn't it?And when you feel good, you are more likely to do good.------------------------------Today's Winning Beliefs-------------------------------- I'm grateful for all that I have-- I have so much to be thankful for in my life-- I can feel great any time I want simply by remembering my blessings-- I quickly let go of negative thoughts when they threaten to overtake me-- My mind is a powerful tool that I have at my disposal any time I want==============================================What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as thesuper successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimatemental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe outintense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas oflife. FR~EE details==> http://www.thinkrightnow.com FR~EE email course ==> mailto:successcourse@aweber.com ==============================================SA-VE $6.00Get your own softcover version of Today Is Your Day To Win now for only $17.95 at: http://www.todayisyourdaytowin.com3 days from now...Right around the same time chapters 1-10arrived, Chapter 11 will be waiting in your in-box.Until then...Your friend and partner in change,Mike BresciaThink Right Now! International, Inc.P.O. Box 359Syracuse, NY 13209
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